'\" '\" Copyright (c) 1990-1993 The Regents of the University of California. '\" All rights reserved. '\" '\" Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without '\" license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this '\" documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright '\" notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies. '\" '\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY '\" FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES '\" ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF '\" CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. '\" '\" THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, '\" INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY '\" AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS '\" ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO '\" PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. '\" '\" $Header: /user6/ouster/wish/man/RCS/WindowId.3,v 1.9 93/04/01 09:42:00 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley) '\" .so man.macros .HS Tk_WindowId tkc .BS .SH NAME Tk_WindowId, Tk_Parent, Tk_Display, Tk_DisplayName, Tk_ScreenNumber, Tk_Screen, Tk_X, Tk_Y, Tk_Width, Tk_Height, Tk_Changes, Tk_Attributes, Tk_IsMapped, Tk_IsTopLevel, Tk_ReqWidth, Tk_ReqHeight, Tk_InternalBorderWidth, Tk_Visual, Tk_Depth, Tk_Colormap \- retrieve information from Tk's local data structure .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fB#include \fR .sp Window \fBTk_WindowId\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp Tk_Window \fBTk_Parent\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp Display * \fBTk_Display\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp char * \fBTk_DisplayName\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_ScreenNumber\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp Screen * \fBTk_Screen\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_X\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_Y\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_Width\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_Height\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp XWindowChanges * \fBTk_Changes\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp XSetWindowAttributes * \fBTk_Attributes\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int \fBTk_IsMapped\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp .VS int \fBTk_IsTopLevel\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .VE .sp int \fBTk_ReqWidth\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int .br \fBTk_ReqHeight\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int .br \fBTk_InternalBorderWidth\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp .VS Visual * .br \fBTk_Visual\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp int .br \fBTk_Depth\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .sp Colormap .br \fBTk_Colormap\fR(\fItkwin\fR) .VE .SH ARGUMENTS .AS Tk_Window tkwin .AP Tk_Window tkwin in Token for window. .BE .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBTk_WindowID\fR and the other names listed above are all macros that return fields from Tk's local data structure for \fItkwin\fR. None of these macros requires any interaction with the server; it is safe to assume that all are fast. .PP \fBTk_WindowId\fR returns the X identifier for \fItkwin\fR, or \fBNULL\fR if no X window has been created for \fItkwin\fR yet (see the \fBTk_CreateMainWindow\fR manual entry for details). .PP \fBTk_Parent\fR returns Tk's token for the logical parent of \fItkwin\fR. The parent is the token that was specified when \fItkwin\fR was created, or NULL for main windows. .PP \fBTk_Display\fR returns a pointer to the Xlib display structure corresponding to \fItkwin\fR. \fBTk_DisplayName\fR returns an ASCII string identifying \fItkwin\fR's display. \fBTk_ScreenNumber\fR returns the index of \fItkwin\fR's screen among all the screens of \fItkwin\fR's display. \fBTk_Screen\fR returns a pointer to the Xlib structure corresponding to \fItkwin\fR's screen. .PP \fBTk_X\fR, \fBTk_Y\fR, \fBTk_Width\fR, and \fBTk_Height\fR return information about \fItkwin's\fR location within its parent and its size. The location information refers to the upper-left pixel in the window, or its border if there is one. The width and height information refers to the interior size of the window, not including any border. \fBTk_Changes\fR returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the above information plus a few other fields. \fBTk_Attributes\fR returns a pointer to an XSetWindowAttributes structure describing all of the attributes of the \fItkwin\fR's window, such as background pixmap, event mask, and so on (Tk keeps track of all this information as it is changed by the application). Note: it is essential that applications use Tk procedures like \fBTk_ResizeWindow\fR instead of X procedures like \fBXResizeWindow\fR, so that Tk can keep its data structures up-to-date. .PP \fBTk_IsMapped\fR returns a non-zero value if \fItkwin\fR is mapped and zero if \fItkwin\fR isn't mapped. .PP .VS \fBTk_IsTopLevel\fR returns a non-zero value if \fItkwin\fR is a top-level window (its X parent is the root window of the screen) and zero if \fItkwin\fR isn't a top-level window. .VE .PP \fBTk_ReqWidth\fR and \fBTk_ReqHeight\fR return information about the window's requested size. These values correspond to the last call to \fBTk_GeometryRequest\fR for \fItkwin\fR. .PP \fBTk_InternalBorderWidth\fR returns the width of internal border that has been requested for \fItkwin\fR, or 0 if no internal border was requested. The return value is simply the last value passed to \fBTk_SetInternalBorder\fR for \fItkwin\fR. .PP .VS \fBTk_Visual\fR, \fBTk_Depth\fR, and \fBTk_Colormap\fR return information about the visual characteristics of a window. \fBTk_Visual\fR returns the visual type for the window, \fBTk_Depth\fR returns the number of bits per pixel, and \fBTk_Colormap\fR returns the current colormap for the window. The visual characteristics are normally set from the defaults for the window's screen, but they may be overridden by calling \fBTk_SetWindowVisual\fR. .VE .SH KEYWORDS attributes, colormap, depth, display, height, geometry manager, identifier, mapped, requested size, screen, top-level, visual, width, window, x, y