package provide Wise 1.0 # # WISE user interface support # # The following procedures support the WISE style user interface. # There are 4 exported functions: # # Wise_Checklist and Wise_RadioList display a list of check buttons # (or radio buttons) for the user to select. Both these routines # display next/back/finish/cancel buttons. # Wise_Message displays a long message, such as a copyright notice, # along with a set of buttons # Wise_GetDirName gets a directory name from the user # Center the window on the screen. proc Wise_CenterWindow {w} { update idletasks set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \ - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \ - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w wm transient $w . raise $w } # Create the logo image (once) proc WiseCreateLogo {} { global TekiInfo WiseInfo if {[info commands logoImage] == ""} { set WiseInfo(photo) [image create photo logoImage] logoImage read [file join $TekiInfo(library) logo.gif] } } # Create and display the WISE wizard window, centered on the screen. # Cache the window for better performance proc WiseMakeWizard {} { global WiseInfo TekiInfo if {[info commands .wise] == ""} { toplevel .wise WiseCreateLogo label .wise.logo -image logoImage grid .wise.logo -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 2 -sticky n label .wise.title -font $TekiInfo(varfont) grid .wise.title -column 1 -row 0 -columnspan 5 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure .wise 1 -weight 1 listbox .wise.list grid .wise.list -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 5 -sticky nesw button .wise.back -text {< Back} -command "set WiseInfo(done) back" button -text {Next >} -command "set WiseInfo(done) next" button .wise.finish -text {Finish} -command "set WiseInfo(done) finish" button .wise.cancel -text {Cancel} -command "set WiseInfo(done) cancel" grid .wise.back -row 2 -column 2 -sticky nsew grid -row 2 -column 3 -sticky nsew grid .wise.finish -row 2 -column 4 -sticky nsew grid .wise.cancel -row 2 -column 5 -padx 10 Wise_CenterWindow .wise } else { wm deiconify .wise } } # Display a checklist for the user in the WISE window. # # title is the window title # items is list {label value on?} # One checkbox is created for each item, with the label as specified # # The return value depends on which button (next, back, finish, or cancel) # the user presses. It is one of the following: # back # cancel # {next list-of-selected-items} # {finish list-of-selected-items} # where list-of-selected-items is the value part from the "items" list proc Wise_Checklist {title items} { global WiseInfo WiseMakeWizard wm title .wise $title .wise.title configure -text $title set count 0 foreach i $items { set name [lindex $i 0] set on [lindex $i 2] set w .wise.list.b$count set WiseInfo($count) $on checkbutton $w -variable WiseInfo($count) -text $name -anchor w pack $w -side top -fill x # grid $w -row $count -sticky nsw incr count } set WiseInfo(done) 0 vwait WiseInfo(done) set rv $WiseInfo(done) if {[lsearch "next finish" $rv] != -1} { set count 0 foreach i $items { set value [lindex $i 1] if $WiseInfo($count) { lappend rv $value } incr count } } wm withdraw .wise set count 0 foreach i $items { destroy .wise.list.b$count incr count } unset WiseInfo return $rv } # Display a radio-button list for the user in the WISE window. # # title is the window title # items is list {label value on?} # One checkbox is created for each item, with the label as specified # # The return value depends on which button (next, back, finish, or cancel) # the user presses. It is one of the following: # back # cancel # {next selected-item} # {finish selected-item} # where selected-item is the value part (from the "items" list) of the # radio-button the user selected proc Wise_Radiolist {title items {backDisabled 0}} { global WiseInfo WiseMakeWizard wm title .wise $title .wise.title configure -text $title set count 0 set WiseInfo(radio) {} foreach i $items { set name [lindex $i 0] set value [lindex $i 1] set on [lindex $i 2] set w .wise.list.b$count if {$on} { set WiseInfo(radio) $value } radiobutton $w -variable WiseInfo(radio) -text $name -anchor w -value $value pack $w -side top -fill x incr count } set WiseInfo(done) 0 if {$backDisabled} { .wise.back configure -state disabled } vwait WiseInfo(done) set rv $WiseInfo(done) wm withdraw .wise .wise.back configure -state normal set count 0 foreach i $items { destroy .wise.list.b$count incr count } if {[lsearch "next finish" $rv] != -1} { set rv [concat $rv $WiseInfo(radio)] } unset WiseInfo return $rv } # # Display a long message, such as a copyright notice, to the user # in a textbox. # # title is the window title # msg is the text of the message # items is a list of labels. One button is created for each label. # # The return value is the index of the button pressed proc Wise_Message {title msg items {dispLogo 1}} { global WiseInfo if {[info commands .wisemsg] == ""} { toplevel .wisemsg wm title .wisemsg $title WiseCreateLogo label .wisemsg.logo -image logoImage scrollbar .wisemsg.scroll -command ".wisemsg.text yview" text .wisemsg.text -relief sunken -bd 2 -yscrollcommand ".wisemsg.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 10 Wise_CenterWindow .wisemsg } set WiseInfo(done) -1 set count 1 foreach i $items { button .wisemsg.b$count -text $i -command "set WiseInfo(done) $count" grid .wisemsg.b$count -row 2 -column $count incr count } .wisemsg.text delete 1.0 end .wisemsg.text insert end $msg grid .wisemsg.text -column 1 -row 0 -columnspan [expr $count-1] -sticky nsew grid .wisemsg.scroll -column $count -row 0 -sticky ns grid rowconfigure .wisemsg 0 -weight 1 if {$dispLogo} { grid .wisemsg.logo -row 0 -column 0 -sticky n } else { grid forget .wisemsg.logo } Wise_CenterWindow .wisemsg vwait WiseInfo(done) set rv [expr $WiseInfo(done)-1] wm withdraw .wisemsg set count 1 foreach i $items { destroy .wisemsg.b$count incr count } unset WiseInfo return $rv } # Ask the user to enter a directory name. Return either the # directory name, or the empty string if they hit "cancel". Right # now, the "Browse..." option is funky, since it requires the user # to select a file in the directory where they want to install... # # XXX: need to fix this... proc Wise_GetDirName {default} { global WiseInfo catch {destroy .d} toplevel .d wm title .d "Select directory" set WiseInfo(done) 0 set WiseInfo(value) $default label .d.label -text "Enter directory name" entry .d.entry -textvariable WiseInfo(value) button .d.ok -text OK -command "set WiseInfo(done) ok" button .d.browse -text Browse... -command { set WiseInfo(value) [file dirname [tk_getOpenFile -title "Select file in directory"]] } button .d.cancel -text Cancel -command "set WiseInfo(done) cancel" grid .d.label -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e grid .d.entry -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew grid .d.ok -row 1 -column 0 grid .d.browse -row 1 -column 1 grid .d.cancel -row 1 -column 2 grid columnconfigure .d 1 -weight 1 Wise_CenterWindow .d vwait WiseInfo(done) if {$WiseInfo(done) == "ok"} { set rv $WiseInfo(value) } else { set rv {} } destroy .d unset WiseInfo return $rv }