.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)host_manage.n .\" .TH HOST_MANAGE N "August 1996" .SH NAME .B host_manage \- administrative management of the Archie host databases .SH SYNOPSIS .B host_manage [ .BI \-M " " ] [ .BI \-h " " ] [ .BI \-C " " ] [ .BI \-D " " ] [ .BI \-H " " ] [ .I ] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .B host_manage is a .BR curses (3) based program which allows the Archie administrator to view and change the contents of the host databases. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-M " " The name of the master Archie database directory. If not given, the program tries to look in the directory .B ~archie/db and, failing that, defaults to .BR ./db . .TP .BI \-h " " The name of the Archie host database directory. If not supplied the program will default first to .B ~archie/db/host_db and failing that, to .BR ./host_db . .TP .BI \-C " " The name of the file containing configuration information for displaying the catalog access methods. Without this flag, the default used is .BR ~archie/etc/hm_db.cf . .TP .BI \-D " " Restrict the display to only those sites in the database which belong to the colon separated list of Archie psuedo-domains given by .IR . .TP .BI \-H " " Use the given .I as the value for the `source' field on the display, when adding a new host, overriding the default value returned by .BR gethostname (2). .TP .I The information about the given site will be displayed upon entry into the program. .SH DISPLAY .PP .B host_manage displays the complete information on each site stored in the Archie host databases. Note that a number of the fields on the display are for informational value only and may not be directly modified by the user. These fields are marked below by an asterisk (`*'). .PP The screen is partitioned into 4 main areas. .IP 1) Information about the site itself. This is composed of: .RS .RS .TP .B Primary Hostname The primary DNS name for the site. This is used internally by the Archie system. .TP .B Preferred Name A valid DNS CNAME record for the site, if one exists. For example, may ftp archive sites use a CNAME record of the form ftp.\fI\fP. .TP .BR Catalogs * The list of the auxiliary catalogs currently associated with this site. .TP .BR "Primary IP address" * The valid DNS IP address; used internally by the Archie system. .TP .B Operating System The operating system of the site, if known. .TP .B Prospero Host Whether or not the site runs a Prospero system daemon. .TP .B Timezone The timezone in which the site is located. This is displayed as a signed quantity in hours and minutes (in 15 minute increments). Negative values represent timezones to the west of the Greenwich meridian, positive values to the east. .RE .RE .IP 2) Information about the various (auxiliary) databases of this site. .RS .RS .TP .B Catalog The name of this catalog entry. .TP .BR Source * The Archie host responsible for monitoring this catalog at this site. .TP .BR "Generated By" * Shows which stage in the Archie update cycle was responsible for this record. This is useful for entries for which there was some error in processing. .TP .BR "Retrieve Time" * The time that the Data Aquisition phase acquired the information. Converted to local time for display. .TP .BR "Parse Time" * The time that the information was parsed. Converted to local time for display. .TP .BR "Update Time" * The time that the information was updated in the catalog. Converted to local time for display. .TP .BR "Number of Records" * The number of records stored. The definition of `record' is catalog dependent. .TP .BR "Fail Count" * The number of times that update of this site/catalog combination has been attempted and failed. .TP .BR Msg * Contains information generated by the Archie subsystems which may be of use to the Archie administrator. This may include such things as reasons for update failure, etc. .RE .RE .IP 3) Information concerning the commands used to retrieve the data. Database dependent. See the section .SM "Access Display Configuration" for a description of this display. .IP 4) Ancilliary information. .RS .RS .TP .B Current Status The current status of this catalog in the system. Valid values are: .RS .RS .TP .B Active Entry currently active. .TP .B Inactive Entry temporarily inactive by the Archie subsystems. Data files have been purged from the system. .TP .B Not Supported This site does not support this catalog type. .TP .B Scheduled for deletion by local administrator This catalog has been rendered `permanently' inactive by the Archie administrator .TP .B Scheduled for deletion by Archie Usually means that the data is out of date and has been scheduled for deletion. .TP .B Disabled Temporarily disabled by the local Archie administrator. .TP .B Deleted The associated data files have been removed and the record will be removed from the host databases at a later date by the .BR host_manage (n) program. .RE .RE .TP .BR "Force Update" * The data for this site has been scheduled for early update. .TP .BR "Action Status" * Current action being performed on this record. Values are: .RS .RS .TP .B Add For a new entry .TP .B Update To modify existing data .RE .RE .RE .RE .SH EDITING .PP The command set for editing is based on the standard emacs key bindings. Currently these are not user configurable. .RS .PP .B Cursor Movement .RS .TP .PD .1v .B ^A Beginning of line .TP .B ^E End of line .TP .B ^N Next field .TP .B ^P Previous field .TP .B ^F Next character .TP .PD 1v .B ^B Previous character .RE .PP .B Editing .RS .PP The program is always in insert mode. .TP .PD .1v .B ^K Kill to end of line (into yank buffer) .TP .B ^Y Insert from yank buffer .TP .B ^D Delete character at cursor .TP .B ^H Delete previous character .TP .PD 1v .B Delete previous character .RE .PP .B Viewing/Modifying the Data .RS .TP .PD .1v .B Next value .TP .B Previous value .TP .B Display modification menu. See below. .TP .B ^G Bring up host list display. See below. .TP .B ^U Update current entry .PD 1v .B Go to (display record for) given entry. .RE .TP .B Miscellaneous .RS .TP .PD .1v .B ^L Refresh Screen .TP .PD 1v .B ^C Exit program .RE .RE .PP Some fields on the display are read-only. The cursor will not enter these fields. .PP At any time the user may specify the name of a site in the `Primary hostname' field, then type .BR . This will bring up the record for that site if it is found in the database. .SH HOST LIST DISPLAY This multi-column display allows one to browse through all the host names stored in the database. The key bindings are a subset of those on the main display. All other keys are ignored. .RS .RS .TP .B Forward one page .TP .B Backwards one page .TP .B ^F Forward one column. .TP .B ^N Down one entry. .TP .B ^P Up one entry. .TP .B ^B Backward one column. .TP .B Go back to main display and show full record of current (highlighted) entry. .TP .B ^ Go to first host in database. .TP .B $ Go to last host in database. .TP .B ^G Return to main display. The last record shown on the main display is given. .SH "MODIFICATION MENU" This menu allows the user to modify the status of the site entry in the host databases. The following alternatives are provided: .RS .RS .LP Add site to host database .IP This option clears the values in the fields (with the exception of the `source' field) and allows the user to enter a new site into the host databases. All normal cursor movement is permitted. After the information has been entered, type the `update' key (by default ^U) to add the new entry to the database. Note that no default is provided for the `Database' field. This should be filled with the name of the initial catalog for this host (for example, `anonftp' or `webindex'). .LP Delete a site from the host database .IP Since the Archie catalogs (such as anonftp) depend on the host databases for host name resolution and other information, it is not currently possible to immediately delete a site or Archie catalog entry. As a result, the method used to remove a site or catalog entry from the host databases involves first marking it for deletion. The system will process this information as part of its normal operations. When the appropriate files (such as sites files in the anonftp catalog) have been removed, the catalog entry is marked as `Deleted'. After all catalogs associated with a host have been so marked, the site itself can be physically removed from the host databases. This command will perform this function. .LP Add Archie catalog to auxiliary host database .IP This command will clear the auxiliary host database area of the screen and permit the addition of a new auxiliary database name. Type the update key (by default, ^U) to complete the addition. .LP Delete Archie catalog from auxiliary host database .IP Use this command to mark an auxiliary database for deletion. .LP Reactivate a catalog .IP The system or administrator can disable or mark for deletion a catalog for a particular site. This option causes the current entry to be placed on `ACTIVE' status. .LP Force early update of a site/catalog entry .IP Sometimes it is desriable to force the early update of a particular site or catalog entry, before the time that it would be normally be scheduled. This command will mark the current catalog for early update. .LP Force deletion of the current catalog .IP This is a dangerous operation, but may, in some circumstances, be necessary. For example, since arbitrary catalog names may be used, a typographical error (such as typing `webindex' as `webinex') can cause an incorrect entry into the host databases. This option will allow the Archie administrator to forcefully remove such a catalog without the standard checks to be performed. .LP .SH "ACCESS DISPLAY CONFIGURATION" .PP Internally, the generic access method for each Archie catalog type is stored as a sequence of values (fields) separated by colons. Since each catalog type may have a different ordering and meaning for these fields, the host_manage program allows for convenience the administrator to define names and default values for these fields. .PP For this purpose there is a configuration file associated with the program. By default the file is .B ~archie/etc/hm_db.cf unless overridden by the .B \-C command line option. This describes how the various catalog-specific access methods are to be displayed on the screen. .PP The file is formatted as .IP .I { .I field configurations } .PP Each field configution is composed of: .LP ,,, .RS .TP .I A string giving the name of the field to be displayed. This entry is mandatory. .TP .I A number specifying the maximum number of characters the field value may have. This entry is mandatory. .TP .I Optional. A string giving the default value of the field should it be empty in the data. .TP .I Optional. Indicates whether the Archie administrator is allowed to modify this display field or not. Must either be the character .B W or left empty. .RE .PP Multiple field configurations are delimited by a colon ":". Entries for the optional fields may be omitted. However an empty entry followed by other optional fields must have its place maintained by ",,". .PP .B Example. .RS .PP The following line describes a typical entry for the anonftp catalog. .LP anonftp {Filename,40,,W:User,15:Password,15,,W:Account,15:Path,30,,W} .PP This specifies that the access method for the catalog "anonftp" contains 5 fields, here named "Filename", "User" and "Password", "Account", "Path". .PP The .B Filename field is defined to have a maximum of 40 characters. No default value is given. The field can be modified by the administrator. Note that even though a default value is not given, since the optional .I field has been specified, a placeholder ",," is required to specifiy that the .I field has been omitted. .PP The .B User field has a maximum \fIwidth\fP of 15 characters and has as a default value of the string "anonymous". It cannot be modified from the host_manage program (unless the configuration file is modified to make the field writable). .PP The .B Password field is also a maximum of 15 characters. No default value is given and it cannot be modified by the administrator. Note that since none of the optional fields are specifed they are omitted and no placeholder is needed. .PP Finally, the .B Path field specifies the root path of the `ls-lR' file. This is required for Novell systems. .B Other Example .LP webindex {Port,5,,W:Path,30,,W} .PP The .B Port field specifies the port on which the services run. .PP .B Path field specifies the root path of the service. .RE .SH DIAGNOSTICS The program tries to ensure that the host data that is entered is consistent with the Domain Name System. Errors will be flagged on the status line at the bottom of the display. .SH BUGS Due to a strange interaction between xterms and curses(3), use of this program on xterm windows often causes random garbage to appear on the screen. Use of the ^L command will draw and restore the display. This can be fixed by removing the string: .sp .in +2in :me=\E[m: .in -2in .sp from the .B /etc/termcap entry for this and other affected terminal types. .SH NOTES There is no file or record locking performed on the host database and so this program may interact badly with any updates which are currently being performed by other proceses. This will be fixed in a later release. Inconsistencies in the DNS are tolerated but flagged as errors. .SH FILES ~archie/db/host_db/* .br ~archie/etc/hm_db.cf .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.