shadowcvt will convert directory service information that is version 1 dirsrv format to version 5 dirsrv format. To use this program correctly, you need to understand a bit about how version 1 directory service information was stored. The SHADOW directory is P_SITE_DIRECTORY/P_SHADOW (or in P_FSHADOW) (these are constants defined in "include/psite.h"). It contains a copy of the directory hierarchy for all directory service information stored by the server that's not just taken directly from the filesystem. It contains two types of files. One type is in dsdir format, and contains contents listings for directories. The last component of these files is always ".directory#contents". The other type is in dsfile format. It contains attribute information for objects, including forwarding pointers and attribute information for directories. dsfile format was never written by the servers. To do the conversion: Cd to the 'server' directory in the prospero distribution and type 'make shadowcvt'. This will compile the executable program shadowcvt. Now make it accessible to your shell under the name 'shadowcvt'. In my environment, I would do this by typing: alias shadowcvt $cwd/shadowcvt Run: cd P_FSHADOW find . -type f -print > /tmp/shadow.files grep -v /.directory#contents$ /tmp/shadow.files Any files that appear as a result of the grep operation are NOT dsdir format files. They are presumably dsfile format. You will have to manually convert them. Note that you will only have these files if you manually created them in the first place, so you're presumably already a Prospero wizard, and shouldn't have any problems dealing with them. To do the conversion itself: cd P_SITE_DIRECTORY grep /.directory#contents$ /tmp/shadow.files \ | shadowcvt P_FSHADOW P_FSHADOW.v5 If any of the .directory#contents files were malformed, you will get error messages. You shouldn't get any error messages. You will also get error messages if you made any EXTERNAL links to files using access-methods other than Anonymous FTP. Such links will be skipped, as will any line of the .directory#contents files that yield error messages, and you'll have to manually convert them, but the rest ofn the file will be converted. Rename your shadow directory from P_FSHADOW to something else, like P_FSHADOW.v1. As soon as you do this renaming, prospero requests arriving to the old server will start to fail, so work quickly until you reach the end of these instructions. Rename the new shadow directory from P_FSHADOW.v5 to P_FSHADOW. Leave P_FSHADOW.v1 around as a backup for a while in case you need to revert to Version 1 of the server. Manually kill the old (version 1) server. Now start and run the version 5 server with "pstart". It is backwards compatible with version 1 clients, so everything should work immediately.