gWAIS LINK FORMAT This document describes Prospero links to files accessible through WAIS; we have not yet determined a format for WAIS directory & index lookups. This format works for both external WAIS links and native WAIS links (that is, links to WAIS files stored on a server running Prospero). The WAIS record locator string has a port # and hostname encoded into it. We treat the record locator as an impenetrable object that we just give to the WAIS server at a particular wais server (WAIS servers are uniquely identified by a hostname port # pair); Prospero itself doesn't worry about extracting this information from the WAIS record locator string. The person or computer program creating a link to a WAIS object is responsible for obtaining the WAIS port # and hostname. The HOSTNAME on the VLINK is the hostname of the prospero server which stores information about that file. If the server is running on a non-standard port, this hostname will be followed by a port number in parentheses. The HSONAME on the VLINK for a file which is usually accessed through WAIS begins with the sequence WAIS/OBJECT/ and then finishes with the WAIS record locator string. Not all files which can be retrieved via the WAIS access method will have an HSONAME on the VLINK in this format. This is because the server may send a WAIS access method even for a file that is primarily accessed through NFS, Anonymous FTP, or some other access method. In this case, the ACCESS-METHOD attribute for the file will usually have the six-token format (described below). The ACCESS-METHOD attribute for WAIS files consists of 5 [sometimes 6] tokens: WAIS INTERNET-D ASCII [optional record locator string] WAIS, INTERNET-D, and ASCII are literals. The token in the ACCESS-METHOD attribute is the name of the host whose WAIS server must be contacted to retrieve the object (same as the hostname encoded into the record locator). If the WAIS server is running on the default WAIS port (210), this token may be the normal Internet hostname or it may be followed by the port # in parentheses. The token must always include the port # in parentheses if the WAIS server is running on a non-default port. If a sixth token is present in the WAIS access-method attribute, then this is the WAIS record locator string which will be sent to the WAIS server to retrieve the object. If the sixth token is not present, then the token of the ACCESS-METHOD attribute must begin with the sequence WAIS/OBJECT/ and then finish off with the WAIS record locator string. The WAIS/OBJECT/ prefix will be stripped off and the resulting string will be sent to the WAIS server. The most common case for the WAIS access method is on a link whose target is FILE (not EXTERNAL) to an object which can be retrieved from a wais server running on the default WAIS port on the same host as the PROSPERO server which indexes it, and with the PROSPERO server running on the default PROSPERO port. In this case, the HOST and HOSNAME tokens in the ACCESS-METHOD attribute are the same and those for the link. Therefore, using the defaults that apply to all access methods, the ACCESS-METHOD attribute can be sent across the network as: WAIS '' '' '' '' In the case of an EXTERNAL link to a WAIS object, the HOST and HSONAME tokens in the vlink are customarially (although this is not strictly enforced) the same as those for the access method, and the access method is sent across the network using the defaulting mechanism.