#                                                          #
# Environment variable file for casa_atvd.                 #
#                                                          #
# Note: This file is sourced by the casa_atvd rc script    #
# when starting the service.                               #
#                                                          #
# The following variables are utilized by the daemon       #
# and its rc script:                                       #
#                                                          #
#   DAEMON_NO_AUTORESTART_AFTER_CRASH -                    #
#                                                          #
#   Set this variable to "1" if you want to disable the    #
#   auto-restart daemon after abnormal termination         #
#   feature. This variable is intended to facilitate       #
#   the discovery of problems during quality assurance     #
#   testing. Disabling of the auto-restart daemon after    #
#   abnormal termination feature will result in a          #
#   configuration that is less fault tolerant.             #
#                                                          #
#   DAEMON_COREDUMPS_WANTED -                              #
#                                                          #
#   Set this variable to allow core dumps to be taken      #
#   when a daemon terminates abnormally. This variable     #
#   is only meaningful when the auto-restart daemon        #
#   feature mentioned above is enabled. Core dumps are     #
#   allowed to be taken when the auto-restart daemon       #
#   feature is disabled. Core dumps of novell-xsrvd        #
#   service processes are taken to the                     #
#   /var/novell/xtier folder.                              #
#                                                          #