 *  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1
 *  of the License.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Library Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc.
 *  To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, 
 *  you may find current contact information at www.novell.com.

#ifndef _CASA_STATUS_H_
#define _CASA_STATUS_H_

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" 

//===[ Header files specific to this module ]==============================

#include <micasa_types.h>

//===[ External data                        ]==============================

//===[ External prototypes                  ]==============================

//===[ Type definitions                     ]==============================

// CasaStatus type
//  The layed out of status values is as follows:
//   3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
//   1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
//  +---+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+
//  |Sev|r|r|r|   Facility          |                Code           |
//  +---+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+
//  where
//      Sev - is the severity code
//          00 - Success
//          01 - Informational
//          10 - Warning
//          11 - Error
//      r - is a reserved bit for internal use
//      Facility - is the facility code
//      Code - is the facility's status code
typedef uint32_t CasaStatus;

//===[ Manifest constants                   ]==============================

// Define severity codes to be used with CasaStatusBuild macro

#define CASA_SEVERITY_SUCCESS            0x0
#define CASA_SEVERITY_WARNING            0x2
#define CASA_SEVERITY_ERROR              0x3

// Define the facility codes
//      Facility codes will start at 0x800 and then work backwards
//      in an effort to avoid conflict with other system components.

#define  CASA_FACILITY_AUTHTOKEN                   0x7FF
#define  CASA_FACILITY_KRB5TOKEN                   0x7FE
#define  CASA_FACILITY_PWTOKEN                     0x7FE

// Codes above FACILITY_SPECIFIC are component specific status codes.
// Facility specific status codes are defined in the facilities' header file.

#define FACILITY_SPECIFIC                       0x00001000

// Codes below FACILITY_SPECIFIC are common status codes shared by all components.

#define CASA_STATUS_SUCCESS                    ((CasaStatus)0x00000000)     // Call completed successfully
#define CASA_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL               ((CasaStatus)0x00000001)     // Call completed unsuccessfully
#define CASA_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE             ((CasaStatus)0x00000002)     // An invalid handle was specified
#define CASA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER          ((CasaStatus)0x00000003)     // An invalid parameter to function was specified
#define CASA_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES     ((CasaStatus)0x00000004)
#define CASA_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED              ((CasaStatus)0x00000005)     // Caller does not have required access rights for operation
#define CASA_STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW            ((CasaStatus)0x00000006)     // The data was too large to fit into the specified buffer
#define CASA_STATUS_NO_DATA                    ((CasaStatus)0x00000007)
#define CASA_STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES            ((CasaStatus)0x00000008)     // No more entries to enumerate
#define CASA_STATUS_TIMEOUT                    ((CasaStatus)0x00000009)     // Timed out waiting on resource
#define CASA_STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND           ((CasaStatus)0x0000000A)
#define CASA_STATUS_CANCELLED                  ((CasaStatus)0x0000000B)     // Request cancelled
#define CASA_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED            ((CasaStatus)0x0000000C)
#define CASA_STATUS_PENDING                    ((CasaStatus)0x0000000D)     // The request is being processed
#define CASA_STATUS_INVALID_STATE              ((CasaStatus)0x0000000E)
#define CASA_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST            ((CasaStatus)0x0000000F)
#define CASA_STATUS_ALREADY_REGISTERED         ((CasaStatus)0x00000010)
#define CASA_STATUS_ABORTED                    ((CasaStatus)0x00000011)
#define CASA_STATUS_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND          ((CasaStatus)0x00000012)     // Unable to cancel request because it was not found
#define CASA_STATUS_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS      ((CasaStatus)0x00000013)     // The object being created already exists.
#define CASA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL       ((CasaStatus)0x00000014)     // The object is only accessable through a unsupported protocol.
#define CASA_STATUS_REJECTED                   ((CasaStatus)0x00000015)
#define CASA_STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION           ((CasaStatus)0x00000016)
#define CASA_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED              ((CasaStatus)0x00000017)
#define CASA_STATUS_NO_PROVIDERS               ((CasaStatus)0x00000018)     // No providers are available.
#define CASA_STATUS_CONFLICT                   ((CasaStatus)0x00000019)
#define CASA_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE       ((CasaStatus)0x0000001A)
#define CASA_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE     ((CasaStatus)0x0000001B)
#define CASA_STATUS_CONFIGURATION_ERROR        ((CasaStatus)0x0000001C)
#define CASA_STATUS_LIBRARY_LOAD_FAILURE       ((CasaStatus)0x0000001D)
#define CASA_STATUS_AUTH_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE    ((CasaStatus)0x0000001E)
#define CASA_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR             ((CasaStatus)0x0000001F)
#define CASA_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR               ((CasaStatus)0x00000020)
#define CASA_STATUS_NO_CREDENTIALS             ((CasaStatus)0x00000021)
#define CASA_STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED             ((CasaStatus)0x00000022)

//===[ Macro definitions                    ]==============================

// Macro for building status error codes

#define  CasaStatusBuild(severity, facility, errorcode) \
         ((CasaStatus)(((severity) << 30) | ((facility) << 16) | (errorcode)))

// Macro for retrieving the facility

#define  CasaStatusFacility(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(((CasaStatus)(status) >> 16) & (CasaStatus)0x07FF))

// Macro for retrieving severity

#define  CasaStatusSeverity(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(((CasaStatus)(status)) >> 30))

// Macro for retrieving status code

#define  CasaStatusCode(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)((CasaStatus)(status) & (CasaStatus)0x0000FFFF))

// Macro for checking status code for success

#define  CASA_SUCCESS(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(status) >> 30 != CASA_SEVERITY_ERROR)

// Macro for checking status code for information

#define  CASA_INFORMATION(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(status) >> 30 == CASA_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL)

// Macro for checking status code for warning

#define  CASA_WARNING(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(status) >> 30 == CASA_SEVERITY_WARNING)

// Macro for checking status code for error

#define  CASA_ERROR(status) \
         ((CasaStatus)(status) >> 30 == CASA_SEVERITY_ERROR)

//===[ Function Prototypes                  ]==============================

//===[ Global Variables                     ]==============================

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)

#endif // _CASA_STATUS_H_

// casa_status.h