/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ #include "sscs_cache.h" #include <wchar.h> #include <assert.h> #define MAX_ID_LIST_BUF 4*1024 #define MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN 1024 #define MAX_RETURNED_IDS 10 void enumerateIDs(SSCS_SECRETSTORE_HANDLE_T *ssHandle,int type, SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T *keychainID) { SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_LIST_T kcIDList; SSCS_SECRET_ID_LIST_T secretIDList; uint32_t ssFlags = 0; int retVal,i=0; SSCS_SECRET_T mySecret; SSCS_PASSWORD_T epPassword = {0,0,""}; uint32_t bytesRequired = 0; if(type == 0) //keychains { printf("Enumerate keychains\n----------------------\n"); kcIDList.keyChainIDList = (SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T *)malloc( sizeof(SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T) * MAX_RETURNED_IDS ); assert(kcIDList.keyChainIDList); kcIDList.returnedIDs = MAX_RETURNED_IDS; retVal = sscs_CacheEnumerateKeychainIDs(ssHandle, ssFlags,NULL, &kcIDList,NULL); if(retVal != 0) { printf("sscs_CacheEnumerateKeychainIDs failed: %d\n",retVal); } for( i = 0 ; i < kcIDList.returnedIDs; i++ ) { printf("%s\n",kcIDList.keyChainIDList[i].keychainID); } free(kcIDList.keyChainIDList); } else //secrets { mySecret.data = (char *)malloc(MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN); assert(mySecret.data); printf("Enumerating secrets\n-----------------\n"); secretIDList.secIDList = (SSCS_SECRET_ID_T*)malloc( sizeof(SSCS_SECRET_ID_T)* MAX_RETURNED_IDS); assert(secretIDList.secIDList); secretIDList.returnedIDs = MAX_RETURNED_IDS; retVal = sscs_CacheEnumerateSecretIDs(ssHandle, ssFlags, keychainID, NULL, &secretIDList, NULL); if(retVal != 0) { printf("sscs_CacheEnumerateSecretIDs failed: %d\n",retVal); } for( i = 0 ; i < secretIDList.returnedIDs; i++ ) { SSCS_SECRET_ID_T secId; strcpy(secId.id,secretIDList.secIDList[i].id); secId.len = strlen(secretIDList.secIDList[i].id)+1; mySecret.len = MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN; memset(mySecret.data,0,MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN); retVal = sscs_CacheReadSecret(ssHandle, ssFlags, keychainID,&secId, &mySecret, &epPassword, &bytesRequired, NULL); if(retVal != 0) { printf("sscs_CacheReadSecret failed: %d\n",retVal); } else { printf("Read secretID - %s\n",secretIDList.secIDList[i].id); printf("SecretVal is : \n%s\n",mySecret.data); } } free(secretIDList.secIDList); free(mySecret.data); } printf("---------------------------------\n"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int n = 0,z=0; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_T secID; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_HANDLE_T *ssHandle = NULL; uint32_t bytesRequired; wchar_t *testssName; unsigned char testssNameUTF[1024]; wchar_t *testkcId; unsigned char testkcIdUTF[1024]; wchar_t *testsecretId; unsigned char testsecretIdUTF[1024]; wchar_t **wptr = NULL; uint32_t ssFlags = 0; int retVal = 0; int i; SSCS_SECRET_T mySecret; SSCS_PASSWORD_T epPassword = {0,0,""}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T mySecretID; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T mykeychainID; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T newkeychainID; memset(&mykeychainID,0,sizeof(SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T)); testkcId = (wchar_t*)malloc(1024*sizeof(wchar_t)); assert(testkcId); //All this required when we have some real wchars :-) wcscpy(testkcId,L"SSCS_SESSION_KEY_CHAIN_ID"); wptr = &testkcId; mykeychainID.len = wcsrtombs(testkcIdUTF,wptr,1024,NULL); mykeychainID.len+=1; memcpy(mykeychainID.keychainID,testkcIdUTF,mykeychainID.len); memset(&mySecretID,0,sizeof(mySecretID)); testsecretId = (wchar_t*)malloc(1024*sizeof(wchar_t)); assert(testsecretId); wcscpy(testsecretId,L"MySecret"); wptr = &testsecretId; mySecretID.len = wcsrtombs(testsecretIdUTF,wptr,1024,NULL); mySecretID.len +=1; memcpy(mySecretID.id,testsecretIdUTF,mySecretID.len); mySecret.len = MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN; mySecret.data = (char *)malloc(MAX_SECRET_VAL_LEN); assert(mySecret.data); secID.version = 0x00040000; testssName = (wchar_t*)malloc(1024*sizeof(wchar_t)); assert(testssName); wcscpy(testssName,L"SecretStoreName"); wptr = &testssName; n = wcsrtombs(testssNameUTF,wptr,1024,NULL); memcpy(secID.ssName,testssNameUTF,n); ssHandle = sscs_CacheOpenSecretStore(&secID,ssFlags, NULL); if(!ssHandle) { printf("sscs_CacheOpenSecretStore failed\n"); } else printf("sscs_CacheOpenSecretStore succesful\n"); enumerateIDs(ssHandle,0,NULL); enumerateIDs(ssHandle, 1,&mykeychainID); retVal = sscs_CacheCloseSecretStore(ssHandle,ssFlags, NULL); if(retVal != 0) { printf("sscs_CacheCloseSecretStore failed: %d\n",retVal); } else printf("sscs_CacheCloseSecretStore success: %d\n",retVal); free(testkcId); free(testsecretId); free(mySecret.data); free(testssName); printf("Completed testing\n"); return 0; }