/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include <kapp.h> #include <kcmdlineargs.h> #include<kwallet.h> #include <dcopclient.h> using namespace KWallet; #include "kwallets_rw.h" #include "kwallets_rw.moc" //#include "mytest.h" // char *applName="dcopifacedemo"; char *applName="casaconsole"; QStringList walletList; DCOPDemoWidget *win = new DCOPDemoWidget(); DCOPDemoWidget::DCOPDemoWidget() { if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "casaconsole" ); } } DCOPDemoWidget::~DCOPDemoWidget() { for ( QStringList::Iterator walletIter = walletList.begin(); walletIter != walletList.end(); ++walletIter ) { QString walletName = (*walletIter); Wallet::disconnectApplication(walletName,applName); } } int DCOPDemoWidget::ReadKey(Wallet *wallet,QString key, QByteArray *secretVal) { // Read the secret from the entry QByteArray value; //printf("kwallet: Read Key entered\n"); if (wallet->readEntry(key, value)==0) { if (value) { *secretVal = value; QDataStream convert(*secretVal, IO_ReadOnly); if (wallet->entryType(key) == 1 ) { //Commented by Austin /* // Convert the ByteArray to QString QString passwd; printf("In read Entry Convert Final before success\n"); convert >> passwd; printf("In read Entry Convert Final success\n"); */ } else if (wallet->entryType(key) == 3) { // If the entry is of type "map" // Convert the ByteArray to QMap QMap<QString,QString> mapSecret; convert >> mapSecret; // Iterate through each map entry. QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator mapIter; QString tempSecret = QString::fromLatin1(""); for ( mapIter = mapSecret.begin(); mapIter != mapSecret.end(); ++mapIter ) { // This logic has to be improved tempSecret.append(mapIter.key().latin1()); tempSecret.append(":"); tempSecret.append(mapIter.data().latin1()); if ((++mapIter) != mapSecret.end()) tempSecret.append(";"); --mapIter; } // Convert the QString to QByteArray QDataStream stream(*secretVal, IO_WriteOnly); stream << tempSecret ; } } else { //printf("Could not read the entry..inner IF\n"); return -1; } } else { //printf("Could not read the entry Inside wallet->readkey\n"); return -1; } return 0; } extern "C" { static struct EnumSecretList *tempEnumSecrets = NULL; //void MyTest(struct EnumSecretList *enumWalletSecrets) void Aggregate(struct EnumSecretList *enumWalletSecrets) { //printf("inside natiove agg"); int retVal = 0; tempEnumSecrets = NULL; retVal = win->ReadAllWalletSecrets(&tempEnumSecrets); struct EnumSecretList *iter = tempEnumSecrets; //struct EnumSecretList *head = tempEnumSecrets; /* if (iter == NULL) { printf("Native has given NULLLL\n"); enumWalletSecrets = NULL; return; } */ while (iter != NULL) { /* printf("\n\n**Wallet Name : %s\n",iter->walletName); printf("\t**Folder Name : %s\n",iter->folderName); printf("\t\t**Secret Type : %d\n",iter->entryType); printf("\t\t\t**Secret Value : %s\n",iter->secretVal); */ enumWalletSecrets->walletName = iter->walletName; enumWalletSecrets->folderName = iter->folderName; enumWalletSecrets->secretVal = iter->secretVal; enumWalletSecrets->entryType = iter->entryType; enumWalletSecrets->next = iter->next; iter = iter->next; if (iter != NULL) { enumWalletSecrets = enumWalletSecrets->next ; } else { enumWalletSecrets = NULL; } } /* // Free the list struct EnumSecretList *temp; while (head != NULL) { free(head->walletName); free(head->folderName); free(head->secretVal); //free(head->entryType); temp = head->next; free(head); head = temp; } */ } int RemoveEntry(char *name, char *foldername, char *keyname) { DCOPDemoWidget kw; return(kw.RemoveEntry(name,foldername,keyname)); } int SetEntry(char *name, char *foldername, int entryType, char *keyname, char *value, int valueLen ) { DCOPDemoWidget kw; //printf("kwallet : In Set Entry\n"); return(kw.SetEntry(name,foldername,entryType,keyname,value,valueLen)); } int SetMapEntry(char *name, char *foldername, char *keyname, char **value, int eleCount ) { DCOPDemoWidget kw; //printf("kwallet: SetMapEntry\n"); return(kw.SetMap(name,foldername,keyname,value,eleCount)); } void FreeList() { struct EnumSecretList *head = tempEnumSecrets; // Free the list struct EnumSecretList *temp; while (head != NULL) { free(head->walletName); free(head->folderName); free(head->secretVal); //free(head->entryType); temp = head->next; free(head); head = temp; } tempEnumSecrets = NULL; } } int DCOPDemoWidget::ReadAllWalletSecrets(struct EnumSecretList **enumWalletSecrets) { walletList = Wallet::walletList(); for ( QStringList::Iterator walletIter = walletList.begin(); walletIter != walletList.end(); ++walletIter ) { QString walletName = (*walletIter); // printf("The wallet name is %s\n",(*walletIter).latin1()); // Open the wallet Wallet *wallet = NULL; wallet = Wallet::openWallet(walletName,0,Wallet::Synchronous); if (wallet == NULL) { //printf("Could not open the wallet\n"); return -1; } // Get the folder list of the wallet QStringList folderList = wallet->folderList(); for ( QStringList::Iterator folderIter = folderList.begin(); folderIter != folderList.end(); ++folderIter) { // printf("\t%s\n",(*folderIter).latin1()); QString folderName = (*folderIter); // Set the current folder if (!(wallet->setFolder(folderName))) { //printf("Could not set the folder\n"); return -1; } // Get the list of entries in the folder QStringList entryList = wallet->entryList(); for ( QStringList::Iterator entryIter = entryList.begin(); entryIter != entryList.end(); ++entryIter) { //printf("Entry Name : \t\t%s\n",(*entryIter).latin1()); // Read the secret from the entry QString key = (*entryIter); QByteArray *secretVal = new QByteArray(); if (ReadKey(wallet,key,secretVal) != 0) { //printf("Could not read \"%s\"\n",key.latin1()); break; //FIXME } struct EnumSecretList *tempWalletSecrets = (struct EnumSecretList*)malloc(sizeof(struct EnumSecretList)); if (tempWalletSecrets == NULL) { //printf("Memory Allocation failure\n"); return -1; } tempWalletSecrets->walletName = (char*)malloc(512); if (tempWalletSecrets->walletName == NULL) { //printf("Memory Allocation failure\n"); return -1; } //printf("Wallet Name is %s\n",walletName.latin1()); strcpy(tempWalletSecrets->walletName, walletName.latin1()); tempWalletSecrets->folderName = (char*)malloc(512); if (tempWalletSecrets->folderName == NULL) { //printf("Memory Allocation failure\n"); return -1; } // printf("Folder Name is %s\n",folderName.latin1()); strcpy(tempWalletSecrets->folderName, folderName.latin1()); tempWalletSecrets->entryType = wallet->entryType(key); // printf("EntryType is %d\n",wallet->entryType(key)); if (*enumWalletSecrets == NULL) { *enumWalletSecrets = tempWalletSecrets; } else { struct EnumSecretList *iter; for(iter=*enumWalletSecrets; iter->next!=NULL; iter=iter->next); iter->next = tempWalletSecrets; } tempWalletSecrets->next = NULL; //Commented by Austin QDataStream convert(*secretVal, IO_ReadOnly); QString passwd; convert >> passwd; //QString passwd(*secretVal); //printf("kwallet : ReadAll key %s value %s \n",key.latin1(), passwd.latin1()); tempWalletSecrets->secretVal = (char*)malloc(512); if (tempWalletSecrets->secretVal == NULL) { //printf("Memory Allocation failure\n"); return -1; } strcpy(tempWalletSecrets->secretVal,key.latin1()); //printf("After strcpy - 1 - key is %s\n",key.latin1()); strcat(tempWalletSecrets->secretVal,"="); //printf("After strcat = \n"); if(passwd) { //printf("Passwd is %s\n",passwd.latin1()); strcat(tempWalletSecrets->secretVal,passwd.latin1()); } // Free memory free(secretVal); // printf("After free\n"); } } // Print all the secrets /* struct EnumSecretList *iter = *enumWalletSecrets; while (iter != NULL) { printf("\n\nWallet Name : %s\n",iter->walletName); printf("\tFolder Name : %s\n",iter->folderName); printf("\t\tSecret Type : %d\n",iter->entryType); printf("\t\t\t Secret Value : %s\n",iter->secretVal); iter = iter->next; } */ } return(0); } int DCOPDemoWidget::SetEntry(char *name, char *foldername, int entryType, char *keyname, char *value, int valueLen ) { QString qWalletName(name); QString qKey(keyname); QString qFolderName(foldername); QString &refQKey = qKey; // Open the wallet Wallet *wallet = NULL; wallet = Wallet::openWallet(qWalletName,0,Wallet::Synchronous); if (wallet == NULL) { //printf("Could not open the wallet %s \n", qWalletName.latin1()); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_WALLET; } if (wallet->setFolder(qFolderName) == false) { //printf("Could not open the folder %s \n", qFolderName.latin1()); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_FOLDER; } QString unicodeValue = tr(value); // Read the secret from the entry //QByteArray secretVal(valueLen *2 ); QByteArray secretVal; QDataStream ds(secretVal, IO_WriteOnly); ds << unicodeValue; /*for(int i=0; i< valueLen; i++) { secretVal[i] = 0; secretVal[i+1] = value[i]; } */ //secretVal[valueLen] = '\0'; // secretVal.fill('a'); //secretVal.setRawData(value,valueLen); QByteArray &refSecretVal = secretVal; //QDataStream convert( secretVal, IO_WriteOnly ); //convert.readBytes( value, (uint)valueLen); // Wallet::EntryType MyEntryType = 3; if (wallet->entryType(qKey) != 3) { //printf("kwallet : SetEntry : Before setting Entry key %s value = %s EntryType =%d \n" , qKey.latin1() , value, entryType ); if (wallet->writeEntry(refQKey, refSecretVal , (Wallet::EntryType) entryType ) != 0) { return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_WRITE_ENTRY; } } // Free memory wallet->sync(); return KWALLET_RESULT_OK; } int DCOPDemoWidget::SetMap(char *name, char *foldername, char *keyname, char **value, int numOfKeys ) { QString qWalletName(name); QString qKey(keyname); QString qFolderName(foldername); //printf("kwallet : SetMap : Wallet %s Folder %s Key =%s\n", name, foldername, keyname); // Open the wallet Wallet *wallet = NULL; wallet = Wallet::openWallet(qWalletName,0,Wallet::Synchronous); if (wallet == NULL) { //printf("Could not open the wallet\n"); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_WALLET; } if (wallet->hasFolder(qFolderName) == false) { if(wallet->createFolder(qFolderName) == false) { return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_CREATE_FOLDER; } } if (wallet->setFolder(qFolderName) == false) { return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_FOLDER; } QMap<QString,QString> mapSecret; for (int i=0; i < numOfKeys * 2; i+=2) { QString mapelekey((char *)value[i]); QString mapelevalue((char *)value[i+1]); mapSecret.insert(mapelekey,mapelevalue); } if (wallet->writeMap(qKey,mapSecret) != 0 ) { return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_WRITE_ENTRY; } wallet->sync(); return KWALLET_RESULT_OK; } int DCOPDemoWidget::RemoveEntry(char *name, char *foldername, char *keyname ) { QString qWalletName(name); QString qKey(keyname); QString qFolderName(foldername); //printf("In DCOPDemoWidget:RemoveEntry\n"); //printf("In DCOPDemoWidget:False %d\n",false); //printf("In DCOPDemoWidget:False %d\n",FALSE); // Open the wallet Wallet *wallet = NULL; wallet = Wallet::openWallet(qWalletName,0,Wallet::Synchronous); if (wallet == NULL) { //printf("Could not open the wallet %s \n", qWalletName.latin1()); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_WALLET; } if (wallet->setFolder(qFolderName) == false) { //printf("Could not set the folder %s \n", qFolderName.latin1()); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_OPEN_FOLDER; } if (wallet->removeEntry(qKey) != 0) { //printf("Could not remove Entry %s \n", qKey.latin1()); return KWALLET_RESULT_CANNOT_REMOVE_ENTRY; } wallet->sync(); //printf("In DCOPDemoWidget:RemoveEntry Exit\n"); return KWALLET_RESULT_OK; }