/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ package com.novell.casa; public class MiCasaException extends RuntimeException { /** * Can't find the target object DN in NDS. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFCE0; /* -800 */ /** * NICI operations have failed. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NICI_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCDF; /* -801 */ /** * Secret ID is not in the User Secret Store. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_INVALID_SECRET_ID = 0xFFFFFCDE; /* -802 */ /** * Some internal operating system services have not been available. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCDD; /* -803 */ /** * Access to the target SecretStore has been denied. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_ACCESS_DENIED = 0xFFFFFCDC; /* -804 */ /** * Some internal NDS services have not been available. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NDS_INTERNAL_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCDB; /* -805 */ /** * Secret has not been initialized with a write. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFCDA; /* -806 */ /** * Size of the buffer is not in a nominal range between minimum and maximum. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_BUFFER_LEN = 0xFFFFFCD9; /* -807 */ /** * Client and server components are not of the compatible versions. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION = 0xFFFFFCD8; /* -808 */ /** * SecretStore data on the server has been corrupted. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_STORE = 0xFFFFFCD7; /* -809 */ /** * Secret ID already exists in the Secret Store. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_EXISTS = 0xFFFFFCD6; /* -810 */ /** * User NDS password has been changed by the administrator. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_CHANGED = 0xFFFFFCD5; /* -811 */ /** * Target NDS User object not found. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT = 0xFFFFFCD4; /* -812 */ /** * Target NDS User object does not have a SecretStore. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFCD3; /* -813 */ /** * SecretStore not on the Network. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFCD2; /* -814 */ /** * Length of the Secret ID buffer exceeds the limit. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_LONG = 0xFFFFFCD1; /* -815 */ /** * User not authenticated. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 0xFFFFFCCF; /* -817 */ /** * Not supported operations. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xFFFFFCCE; /* -818 */ /** * Typed in NDS password not valid. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_INVALID = 0xFFFFFCCD; /* -819 */ /** * Length of the Enumeration buffer too short. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_SHORT = 0xFFFFFCD0; /* -816 */ /** * Session keys of the client and server NICI are out of sync. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NICI_OUTOF_SYNC = 0xFFFFFCCC; /* -820 */ /** * Requested service not supported yet. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xFFFFFCCB; /* -821 */ /** * NDS authentication type not supported. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xFFFFFCCA; /* -822 */ /** * Unicode text conversion operation failed. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_UNICODE_OP_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCC9; /* -823 */ /** * Connection to server is lost. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCC8; /* -824 */ /** * Cryptographic operation failed. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CRYPTO_OP_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCC7; /* -825 */ /** * Opening a connection to the server failed. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SERVER_CONN_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCC6; /* -826 */ /** * Access to server connection failed. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CONN_ACCESS_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCC5; /* -827 */ /** * Size of the enumeration buffer exceeds the limit. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_LONG = 0xFFFFFCC4; /* -828 */ /** * Size of the Secret buffer exceeds the limit. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_LONG = 0xFFFFFCC3; /* -829 */ /** * Length of the Secret ID should be greater than zero. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_SHORT = 0xFFFFFCC2; /* -830 */ /** * Protocol data corrupted on the wire. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_PACKET_DATA = 0xFFFFFCC1; /* -831 */ /** * EP password validation failed. Access to the secret denied! */ public static final short NSSCS_E_EP_ACCESS_DENIED = 0xFFFFFCC0; /* -832 */ /** * Schema is not extended to support SecreStore on the target tree. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SCHEMA_NOT_EXTENDED = 0xFFFFFCBF; /* -833 */ /** * One of the optional service attributes is not instantiated. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_ATTR_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFCBE; /* -834 */ /** * Server has been upgraded and user SecretStore should be updated. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_MIGRATION_NEEDED = 0xFFFFFCBD; /* -835 */ /** * Master password could not be verified to read or unlock the secrets. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_INVALID = 0xFFFFFCBC; /* -836 */ /** * Master password has not been set on the SecretStore. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_SET = 0xFFFFFCBB; /* -837 */ /** * Ability to use master password has been disabled. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_ALLOWED = 0xFFFFFCBA; /* -838 */ /** * Not a writeable replica of NDS. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_WRONG_REPLICA_TYPE = 0xFFFFFCB9; /* -839 */ /** * Target attribute is not instantiated in NDS. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_ATTR_VAL_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFCB8; /* -840 */ /** * API parameter is not initialized. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_INVALID_PARAM = 0xFFFFFCB7; /* -841 */ /** * Connection to SecretStore needs to be over SSL. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NEED_SECURE_CHANNEL = 0xFFFFFCB6; /* -842 */ /** * No server to support the given override configuration is found. * * @since 3.02 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xFFFFFCB5; /* -843 */ /** * Attempt to unlock SecretStore failed because the store is not locked. * * @since 3.02 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_LOCKED = 0xFFFFFCB4; /* -844 */ /** * NDS Replica on the server that holds SecretStore is out of sync with the replica ring. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_TIME_OUT_OF_SYNC = 0xFFFFFCB3; /* -845 */ /** * Versions of the client dlls don't match. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_VERSION_MISMATCH = 0xFFFFFCB2; /* -846 */ /** * Buffer supplied for the secret is too short. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_SHORT = 0xFFFFFCB1; /* -847 */ /** * Shared Secret processing and operations failed. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_SH_SECRET_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCB0; /* -848 */ /** * Shared Secret parser operations failed. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_PARSER_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCAF; /* -849 */ /** * Utf8 string operations failed. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_UTF8_OP_FAILURE = 0xFFFFFCAE; /* -850 */ /** * Contextless name for LDAP bind does not resolve to a unique DN. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final short NSSCS_E_CTX_LESS_CN_NOT_UNIQUE = 0xFFFFFCAD; /* -851 */ /** * Feature not implemented yet. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0xFFFFFC88; /* -888 */ /** * Product's BETA life has expired! Official release copy should be purchased. */ public static final short NSSCS_E_BETA_EXPIRED = 0xFFFFFC7D; /* -899 */ /** * The error code. */ protected int err; /** * Determines if this object has a root exception. */ protected boolean hasRoot; /** * The root Throwable. */ protected Throwable root; /** * Constructs an empty SSException object. The error code is set to * the 0. */ public MiCasaException() { super(""); err = 0; root = this; } /** * Constructs a SSException according to the error code. * * @param errCode The error code. */ public MiCasaException(int errCode) { super(generateMessage(errCode)); err = errCode; root = this; } /** * Generates a SSException with the specified message. * * @param errCode The SecretStore error code. * @param message The exception message. */ public MiCasaException(int errCode, String message) { super(message); err = errCode; root = this; } /** * Generates a SSException object that encapsulates the specified exception. * The error code is set to 0. The message from the * encapsulated exception is set as the message for this object. * * @param root The Throwable that is encapsulated in this object as the root. */ public MiCasaException(Throwable root) { this(0, root.getMessage()); hasRoot = true; this.root = root; } /** * Generates a SSException object that encapsulates the specified exception as * its root. The error code is set to 0. The message from the root exception * is set as the message for this object. The additional message is appended to * the end of the encapsulated exception's message with a whitspace seperating * them. * * @param root The Throwable that is encapsulated in this object as the root. * @param message An additional message. */ public MiCasaException(Throwable root, String message) { this(0, message + " " + root.getMessage()); hasRoot = true; this.root = root; } /** * Generates a SSException object that encapsulates the specified exception as * its root. The message from the root exception * is set as the message for this object. The root message is appended to * the end of the message with a whitspace seperating them. * * @param errCode The SecretStore error code. * @param root The Throwable that is encapsulated in this object as the root. * @param errCode An additional message. * @since 3.2 */ public MiCasaException(int errCode, Throwable root) { this(errCode, generateMessage(errCode) + " " + root.getMessage()); err = errCode; hasRoot = true; this.root = root; } /** * Returns the message associated with the error code. Note that the returned * value is not translated. * * @param errCode The Error Code. * @return String The message. */ public static final String generateMessage(int errCode) { switch (errCode) { case NSSCS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: return "Can't find the target object DN in NDS"; case NSSCS_E_NICI_FAILURE: return "NICI operations have failed"; case NSSCS_E_INVALID_SECRET_ID: return "Secret ID is not in the User Secret Store"; case NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE: return "Some internal operating system services have not been available"; case NSSCS_E_ACCESS_DENIED: return "Access to the target SecretStore has been denied"; case NSSCS_E_NDS_INTERNAL_FAILURE: return "Some internal NDS services have not been available"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_UNINITIALIZED: return "Secret has not been initialized with a write"; case NSSCS_E_BUFFER_LEN: return "Size of the buffer is not in a nominal range between minimum and maximum"; case NSSCS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION: return "Client and server components are not of the compatible versions"; case NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_STORE: return "SecretStore data on the server has been corrupted"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_EXISTS: return "Secret ID is already in SecretStore"; case NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_CHANGED: return "User NDS password has been changed by the administrator"; case NSSCS_E_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT: return "Target NDS User object not found"; case NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_FOUND: return "Target NDS User object does not have a SecretStore"; case NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: return "SecretStore not on the Network"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_LONG: return "Length of the Secret ID buffer exceeds the limit"; case NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_SHORT: return "Length of the Enumeration buffer too short"; case NSSCS_E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: return "User not authenticated"; case NSSCS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "Not supported operations"; case NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_INVALID: return "Typed in NDS password not valid"; case NSSCS_E_NICI_OUTOF_SYNC: return "Session keys of the client and server NICI are out of sync"; case NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "Requested service not supported yet"; case NSSCS_E_TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "NDS authentication type not supported"; case NSSCS_E_UNICODE_OP_FAILURE: return "Unicode text conversion operation failed"; case NSSCS_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE: return "Connection to server is lost"; case NSSCS_E_CRYPTO_OP_FAILURE: return "Cryptographic operation failed"; case NSSCS_E_SERVER_CONN_FAILURE: return "Opening a connection to the server failed"; case NSSCS_E_CONN_ACCESS_FAILURE: return "Access to server connection failed"; case NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_LONG: return "Size of the enumeration buffer exceeds the limit"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_LONG: return "Size of the Secret buffer exceeds the limit"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_SHORT: return "Length of the Secret ID should be greater than zero"; case NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_PACKET_DATA: return "Protocol data corrupted on the wire"; case NSSCS_E_EP_ACCESS_DENIED: return "EP password validation failed. Access to the secret denied"; case NSSCS_E_SCHEMA_NOT_EXTENDED: return "Schema is not extended to support SecreStore on the target tree"; case NSSCS_E_ATTR_NOT_FOUND: return "One of the optional service attributes is not instantiated"; case NSSCS_E_MIGRATION_NEEDED: return "Server has been upgraded and user SecretStore should be updated"; case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_INVALID: return "Master password could not be verified to read or unlock the secrets"; case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_SET: return "Master password has not been set on the SecretStore"; case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Ability to use master password has been disabled"; case NSSCS_E_WRONG_REPLICA_TYPE: return "Not a writeable replica of NDS"; case NSSCS_E_ATTR_VAL_NOT_FOUND: return "Target attribute is not instantiated in NDS"; case NSSCS_E_INVALID_PARAM: return "API parameter is not initialized"; case NSSCS_E_NEED_SECURE_CHANNEL: return "Connection to SecretStore needs to be over SSL"; case NSSCS_E_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "No server to support the given override configuration is found"; case NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_LOCKED: return "Attempt to unlock SecretStore failed because the store is not locked"; case NSSCS_E_TIME_OUT_OF_SYNC: return "NDS Replica on the server that holds SecretStore is out of sync with the replica ring"; case NSSCS_E_VERSION_MISMATCH: return "Versions of the client dlls don't match"; case NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_SHORT: return "Buffer supplied for the secret is too short"; case NSSCS_E_SH_SECRET_FAILURE: return "Shared Secret processing and operations failed"; case NSSCS_E_PARSER_FAILURE: return "Shared Secret parser operations failed"; case NSSCS_E_UTF8_OP_FAILURE: return "Utf8 string operations failed"; case NSSCS_E_CTX_LESS_CN_NOT_UNIQUE: return "Contextless name for LDAP bind does not resolve to a unique DN"; case NSSCS_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Feature not implemented yet"; case NSSCS_E_BETA_EXPIRED: return "Product's BETA life has expired! Official release copy should be purchased"; } return ""; } /** * Returns the error code. * * @return int - The error code. */ public int getErrorCode() { return err; } /* public String getLocalizedMessage() { try { if (SecretStore.resourceBundle != null) { switch (err) { case NSSCS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND"); case NSSCS_E_NICI_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NICI_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_INVALID_SECRET_ID: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_INVALID_SECRET_ID"); case NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_ACCESS_DENIED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_ACCESS_DENIED"); case NSSCS_E_NDS_INTERNAL_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NDS_INTERNAL_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_UNINITIALIZED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_UNINITIALIZED"); case NSSCS_E_BUFFER_LEN: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_BUFFER_LEN"); case NSSCS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION"); case NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_STORE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_STORE"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_EXISTS: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_EXISTS"); case NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_CHANGED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_CHANGED"); case NSSCS_E_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT"); case NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_FOUND: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_FOUND"); case NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_LONG: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_LONG"); case NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_SHORT: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_SHORT"); case NSSCS_E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED"); case NSSCS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED"); case NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_INVALID: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NDS_PWORD_INVALID"); case NSSCS_E_NICI_OUTOF_SYNC: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NICI_OUTOF_SYNC"); case NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED"); case NSSCS_E_TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED"); case NSSCS_E_UNICODE_OP_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_UNICODE_OP_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_CRYPTO_OP_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CRYPTO_OP_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_SERVER_CONN_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SERVER_CONN_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_CONN_ACCESS_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CONN_ACCESS_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_LONG: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_ENUM_BUFF_TOO_LONG"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_LONG: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_LONG"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_SHORT: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_ID_TOO_SHORT"); case NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_PACKET_DATA: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CORRUPTED_PACKET_DATA"); case NSSCS_E_EP_ACCESS_DENIED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_EP_ACCESS_DENIED"); case NSSCS_E_SCHEMA_NOT_EXTENDED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SCHEMA_NOT_EXTENDED"); case NSSCS_E_ATTR_NOT_FOUND: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_ATTR_NOT_FOUND"); case NSSCS_E_MIGRATION_NEEDED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_MIGRATION_NEEDED"); case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_INVALID: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_INVALID"); case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_SET: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_SET"); case NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_ALLOWED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_MP_PWORD_NOT_ALLOWED"); case NSSCS_E_WRONG_REPLICA_TYPE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_WRONG_REPLICA_TYPE"); case NSSCS_E_ATTR_VAL_NOT_FOUND: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_NSSCS_E_ATTR_VAL_NOT_FOUND"); case NSSCS_E_INVALID_PARAM: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_NSSCS_E_INVALID_PARAM"); case NSSCS_E_NEED_SECURE_CHANNEL: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NEED_SECURE_CHANNEL"); case NSSCS_E_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED"); case NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_LOCKED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_STORE_NOT_LOCKED"); case NSSCS_E_TIME_OUT_OF_SYNC: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_TIME_OUT_OF_SYNC"); case NSSCS_E_VERSION_MISMATCH: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_VERSION_MISMATCH"); case NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_SHORT: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SECRET_BUFF_TOO_SHORT"); case NSSCS_E_SH_SECRET_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_SH_SECRET_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_PARSER_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_PARSER_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_UTF8_OP_FAILURE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_UTF8_OP_FAILURE"); case NSSCS_E_CTX_LESS_CN_NOT_UNIQUE: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_CTX_LESS_CN_NOT_UNIQUE"); case NSSCS_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); case NSSCS_E_BETA_EXPIRED: return SecretStore.resourceBundle.getString("NSSCS_E_BETA_EXPIRED"); } } } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing } return getMessage(); } */ /** * Returns the root exception of this object. Objects of this type may not * always have a root exception. This method will return this object if * this object does not have a root exception. Use the method * hasRoot to determine if objects of this class have * a root exception. * * @return Throwable - The root. * @see #hasRoot() */ public Throwable getRoot() { return root; } /** * Determines if this exception has a root exception. Returns true if it * has a root exception, false if not. * * @return boolean - True if this object has a root exception, false if not. * @see #getRoot() */ public boolean hasRoot() { return hasRoot; } }