#                                                     #
# CASA Authentication Token System configuration file #
# for module:                                         #
#                                                     #
#     PwdAuthenticate                                 #
#                                                     #

# LibraryName setting.
# Description: Used to specify the path to the library
#              implementing the authentication mechanism.
LibraryName		/usr/lib64/CASA/authtoken/pwmech.so

# DebugLevel setting.
# Description: Used to specify the level of logging utilized for debugging
#              purposes. A level of zero being the lowest debugging level.
#              If this parameter is not set, the client defaults
#              to use a debug level of zero.
#              Note: Debug statements can be viewed under Windows by using
#              tools such as DbgView. Under Linux, debug statements are logged
#              to /var/log/messages.
#DebugLevel	0