Thu May 07 18:16:25 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 169353.  Prompt user for Desktop Password when Master Password
  is not present.

Fri May  5 17:51:27 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Description:
  Bug 152929: Secret with special characters in name causing
  unexpected behaviour. This fix will only prevent the 
  following special characters * : ' \ & = < >

- Modified files:

Fri May  5 10:25:10 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com
- Description:
  Bug 165283: CASA docs and About screen states that CASA runs on
  Mac OSX which does not currently.

- Modified files:

Thu May 04 13:32:25 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 172719: Clean debug out.

Thu May 04 21:30:25 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Description:
  1. Fixed Bug 152929: Secret with special characters in name causing
     unexpected behaviour.

- Modified files:

Thu May 04 17:38:25 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Description:
  1. Fixed Bug 170854: CASAGui only allows one edit at a time.  
  2. Added 512 character limit during the edit operation, i.e.
     the newly edited value string cannot be longer than 512.
  3. Fixed a bug caused during deleting and adding new key-value pairs,
     this bug had not been filed in Bugzilla.
     -In the manage secret dialog, delete a key-value pair.
     -Add a new key with the same name as the one deleted above but
      but with a different value.
     -When you click the OK button the changes are not effected. 

- Modified files:

Thu May 04 15:23:17 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Description:
  1. Added dialog-modal property for change master password dialog.
  2. Added delete dialog handler for master password prompt dialog
     during unlock store.

- Modified files:

Thu May 04 09:36:04 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com
- Description:
  1. Removed references to support for Mac OS from rpm spec files.
  2. Fixed an invalid <href> in Contents.htm file.

- Modified files:

Tue May 02 15:37:37 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 171135.  Give user the option to launch YAST when micasad is
  not running.
Tue May 02 15:37:37 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 4.1.  Enhanced Persistence encryption salt generation
  to be more random based on the password or master password used.

Tue May 02 20:30:37 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com
- Description:
  Security Audit 5:13.  Refix for using proper length on strncpy.
  Maximum Length is 512 characters.
- Modified files:

Tue May 02 12:37:22 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com
- Description: 
  CASAManager GUI shall now support a maximum of 512 characters in
  length. User will not be able to create secrets and key-value pairs
  of lenght more than 512 characters from within CASAManager GUI.
  This check is essential to protect CASA from possible buffer 
  overflow attacks.
- Modified files: 

Wed Apr 26 16:17:00 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 165283.  Remove reference to Mac OS from help file.

Wed Apr 26 15:50:00 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
-	Security Audit Recap:	
-	Item 4.1, File: c_micasad/lss/Rfc2898DeriveBytes.c 
	1.	This item is awaiting licensing on a portable random number 
		generator received through a contribution to the the project.
-	Item 4.2 File: c_micasad/cache/KeyValue.c
	1.	Fix is in line 202 of the file. We improved XOR algorithm by 
		increasing the size of the key to equate the value.
-	Item 4.3 File: c_micasad/lss/LocalStorage.cs
	1.	Now files are checked for ownership before being removed. 
		New methods added and there are changes through out the file to support this.
-	Item 4.4 File: c_micasad/lss/CASACrypto.cs
	1.	IV fix will be checked in as soon as the item No. 1 above is approved.
	2.	For this item now we testing the file to make sure it is not a 
		symbolic link. (line 454, 455 in the file.)
	3.	This was a low priority item and we are investigating this.
	4.	This function was not used hence removed.
	5.	The default behavior of the file creation was modified to set the 
		rights at creation time.
-	Item 5.1 File: c_micasad/communication/UnixCommunication
	1.	This was fixed by checking to see if the root was not the owner 
		of the socket to remove the file.
-	Item 5.2 File: c_micasad/lib/communication/UnixIPCClientChannel.cs
	1.	This was fixed by validating the owner of the socket before use.
-	Item 5.3 File: c_micasad/lib/communication/UnixIPCClientChannel.cs
	1.	This was fixed by validating the buffer size before allocation of memory.
-	Item 5.4 File: c_micasad/lss/CASACrypto.cs
	1.	This was fixed by checking for minimum length.
	2.	We can't check for upper limit for memory for maximum file size because 
		we don't know how big the file can get. System will swap the pages out 
		of the cache if it gets big and those pages are fragments of the encrypted 
		cache. The original decrypted cache will be subject to garbage collection 
		by Mono or .Net. We have added the forced garbage collection after 
		finishing the decryption operation.
-	Item 5.5 File: c_micasad/verbs/ObjectSerializtion.cs
	1.	The memory size checks have been added to the code for validation.
-	Item 5.6 File: c_micasad/verbs/OpenSecretStore.cs
	1.	The buffer size validation is added.
	2.	MsgId 0x1001 is not correct.
-	Item 5.7 File: c_micasad/verbs/SetMasterPasscode.cs
	1.	The buffer size validation is added.
-	Item 5.8 File: c_micasad/common/SessionManager.cs
	1.	We are running as root so $PATH is root's $PATH.
	2.	We can go through he while loop twice that is the reason we used the loop.
-	Item 5.9 File: c_micasad/sscs_ndk.c
	1.	All of the instances of  strcpy, strcmp, strcat, strlen, were replaced 
		with strncpy, strncmp, strncat and strlen was eliminated. 
	2.	TheUtf8 macros were modified to force a null at the end of the string 
		buffer where the length was declared.
	3.	All of the buffer lengths for upper bounds are being validated before use.
	4.	sscsshs_ChkEscapeString was fixed.
-	Item 5.10 File: auth_token/kbr5_token/linux/get.c
	1.	This file is not build as a part of CASA 1.6 yet and is supposed to be 
		completed and shipped in CASA 1.7. The fix will be applied later.
-	Item 5.11 File: c_micasacache/sscs_ipc
	1.	Handling of the end files has been added to the code.
-	Item 5.12 File: c_micasacache/sscs_unx_ipc_client.c
	1.	Tokenize function has been fixed.
	2.	Validation of the buflen is added where applicable.
-	Item 5.13 File: c_adlib/ad_gk/native.c
	1.	The validation of the buffer length has been added to the code.

Wed Apr 26 15:39:00 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 5:13.  Use proper length on strncpy.

Wed Apr 26 11:02:00 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 5.6: Check length of ssNameLen < 256
  before allocating buffer
Wed Apr 26 10:55:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 5.4: Issue Garbage Collect after loading persistence.

Wed Apr 26 10:26:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 5.5:  Check length of message to be within range.

Wed Apr 26 09:10:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit 5.13: Ensure that string lengths are within limits
  and null terminated before copying them to buffers.

Wed Apr 26 12:53:10 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com
- Bug 165283: CASA docs and About screen states that CASA runs on 
  Mac OSX which it does not currently.

Mon Apr 24 16:24:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 157218. Clear lists of secrets when GUI is locked.

Mon Apr 24 15:35:20 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
- casainstall and casauninstall scripts were added to
  yast2	install.

Mon Apr 24 04:40:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- change lookup name from kwallet_rw to casakwallet

Sat Apr 22 18:52:20 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
- installcasa and uninstallcasa scripts were added to 
  c_micasad/startup to accomodate for yast configuration.
- casacfg and casaucfg were updated for yast configuration.
- yast2-CASA.changes was added to yast-CASA project.
- CASA.spec.in and yast2-CASA.spec.in were modified to support
  the new files.
Thu Apr 20 16:27:39 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
- CASA.spec.in was modified to:
	- fix a problem with restarting casa on reinstall.
	- kwallet_rw related code was removed.
	- casaucfg script was added to be called when uninstalling.

Thu Apr 20 12:52:19 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
- Yast module was modified and renamed to CASA instead of novell-casa.

Wed Apr 19 14:22:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit report: 4.2.  Enhance encryption of values in memory.

Mon Apr 17 15:47:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit. Checkpoint changes thus far to c code.

Fri Apr 14 14:10:11 MST 2006 - cmashayekh@novell.com
- CASA.spec, casacfgpam, and casaucfgpam scripts were
  updated to work with the YaST configuration for CASA.

- YaST configuration module will be added separately to
  the project by Soo Choi for the build.

Thu Apr 13 08:43:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 164949. Fix 'New Secret' menu option when FireFox tab is selected.
  Comment out fix for 164181 (see below).  SessionId is not implemented

Thu Apr 13 07:01:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 164181.  Prevent multiple instances of CASA Manager on windows.

Wed Apr 12 09:13:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Security Audit Report : Patch for Bug No. 5.2.
  File c_micasad/lib/communication/UnixIPCClientChannel.cs
  Determine buffer size needed based on the amount of data being sent.

Mon Apr 10 09:41:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 154548. Fix to display firefox secrets in CASAManager.

Tue Apr 04 14:24:10 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- added timer to suppress viewing values(passwords) for micasa store
  after a preset time in seconds.

Mon Apr 03 08:45:10 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
- micasad is set to be off on install and be turned on from YAST
Fri Mar 31 19:34:00 CEST 2006 - sreeves@suse.de

- Update .desktop file to only use valid categories and move to the Control Center 

Fri Mar 31 12:46:35 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 162024. Expand casa-logo when window grows.

Thu Mar 30 8:40:35 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 157218. Clear views on secrets when GUI is locked

Wed Mar 29 19:40:35 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

- Security Audit Report : Patch for Bug No. 5.12.1.
  File : c_micasacache/sscs_unx_ipc_client.c.
- Added a check to verify whether size of the token is 
  less than NSSCS_MAX_SECRET_ID_LEN(512) assuring that
  sscs_Utf8Strcpy() will not copy more bytes than memory 

Wed Mar 29 19:20:12 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

- Security Audit Report : Patch for Bug No. 5.7.
  File : c_micasad/verbs/SetMasterPassword.cs.
- Added a check to verify the length of the Master Password
  to be greater than 8 characters and less than or equal to 
  256 characters.
Wed Mar 29 17:00:41 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

- Security Audit Report : Patch for Bug No. 5.4.1
  File : c_micasad/lss/CASACrypto.cs 
- Added a check to verify Decrypt string is greater than 32.

Wed Mar 22 14:41:24 CET 2006 - schwab@suse.de
- Fix broken makefiles.

Wed Mar 15 21:22:48 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

- Added Modify and Delete functionalities for Firefox Password 
  Manager Secrets into CASAManager.

Tue Mar 14 15:53:02 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 155529.  Detect whether or not Firefox is installed

Thu Mar 09 10:53:02 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Added a delete-event-handler for the Firefox master password
  prompt dialog.
- A minor fix to make CASAManager always write to the default wallet.
- Removed console debug print messages from GK and FF code.

Wed Mar 08 18:46:13 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

-Fix for Bug [154548]: CASAManager does not display Firefox Secrets 
 if started before Firefox has been used.
-Fix for Bug [155529] : Support for IsFirefoxStoreAvailable. 
Wed Mar 08 16:27:33 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Added Firefox MasterPassword prompt into CASAManager. 
  CASAManager will now prompt for master password during aggregating 
  the Firefox password manager if it is locked with a master password.

Tue Mar 07 23:02:38 IST 2006 - lsreevatsa@novell.com

- Changed the GetDefaultWallet() function to address all scenarios.

Tue Mar 07 19:20:50 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Added Application SSO feature to CASAManager (Linux).
  We will be able to add single sign-on information to Konquerer and
  NetworkManager appilcations from within CASAManager.
  Main-Menu: Options > Application SSO.
- Fixed an expection thrown during GnomeKeyring delete secret operation.  
- All textboxes in CASAManager have been updated to take not more than
  256 characters (just a small check to avoid buffer-overflows).

Tue Mar 07 15:08:26 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Fix for writing secrets into the default Wallet instead of 
  writing into CASAWallet.
- Changed the port attribute in Keyring from string to unit32.

Mon Mar 06 16:30:00 IST 2006 - mmanohar@novell.com

-Fix for BUG154514 - I am seeing sporadic GUI crashes on Linux
-Fix for Bug 154547 -build 367 - SECURITY - Secrets in Firefox Password manager 
		     are being written to the console
-Fix for Issue of Firefox initialization despite being disabled in the Policy
-Fix for FireFox Uninitialize

Wed Mar 01 10:35:19 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- CASA.spec was modified to put the CASAManager.sh in /usr/bin.
- CASAManager.desktop was modified to point to CASAManager.sh in /usr/bin.
- CASA.spec and CASA_dbg.spec were synced up.

Wed Mar 01 16:30:00 IST 2006 - mmanohar@novell.com

-CASA Spec files changed for installation of FireFox
 components via RPMs
- Console messages removed from GUI-SDI and AD-Lib
Wed Feb 28 14:00:00 IST 2006 - mmanohar@novell.com

- FireFox View functionality integrated with CASA

Mon Feb 27 16:34:24 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 147031.  Change CASA.desktop to find CASAManager in /usr/sbin 

Tue Feb 27 11:55:27 IST 2006 - asuraj@novell.com

- Bug 141823. CASAManager will not display KDE Wallet Secrets unless
              kwalletmanager is open - fixed by starting kdeinit in code

Wed Feb 22 16:55:27 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- CASA.spec was modified to put the scripts in /usr/sbin.
- A link  as rcmicasad was created fro /usr/sbin to /etc/init.d/micasad
- force-reload and reload tags were added to the micasad script. 

Tue Feb 22 14:03:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 151679. Remove reverse links when deleting a secret - fixed

Tue Feb 22 13:33:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 150642. Return additional error codes when store is locked

Tue Feb 22 10:25:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Remove build dependency on krb5-devel and libgssapi

Tue Feb 21 16:25:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 141689.  Windows: change mouse handler for notifyicon to mouse
  down event.
  - Bug:  Windows, start service at post install.

Tue Feb 21 12:22:17 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 141651.  On windows, uninstalls will kill CASAManager too.

Tue Feb 21 12:05:17 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 148945. Handle the case were micasad is restarted, before
  a user sets their master password

Mon Feb 20 10:40:17 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 147031: CASAManager main menu icon is placed only in...
  - System > Configuration > Novell CASA Manager

Sun Feb 19 17:23:44 CET 2006 - ro@suse.de
- rework BuildRequires again
- no hacks for CASAManager desktop file in post-scripts

Sat Feb 18 15:57:20 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Minor fixes were made to micasad script.
- Minor fixes were made to CASA.spec.
- CASA.spec and CASA_dbg.spec were synched. 

Fri Feb 17 14:01:12 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 135386: Linking secrets with colon in the name - FIXED

Fri Feb 17 21:31:10 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 147031: CASAManager should have a menu item - FIXED,
  A menu item for CASAManager gets created within the NLD/SuSE
  main menu under the following categories,
  - System > Configuration > Novell CASA Manager
  - Utilities > Security > Novell CASA Manager
  - Internet > Administration > Novell CASA Manager
Thu Feb 16 16:45:27 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Spec file was correct to eliminate the neededforbuild directive

Thu Feb 16 11:43:36 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Add dependency to kdelibs3 back to CASA-gui rpm in spec file
Thu Feb 16 07:45:20 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 146015: A CASAkeyring is created to add secrets to the 
  Gnome Keyring through CASAManager - FIXED.

Wed Feb 15 14:45:22 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 143940. pam_sscs.c patch for the buffer overflow applied to
        version 1.5.

Tue Feb 14 17:15:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 150975. Enable GNOME Keyring when gnome-keyring.so is loaded 

Tue Feb 14 14:01:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 150644.  Prevent removal of secrets when store is locked.

Tue Feb 14 13:45:20 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 150037. For windows, change build options to not require msvcr71.dll.

Tue Feb 14 10:15:20 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- CASA-detect_lib64 patch suggested by Rudi Ortel has been applied.
- CASA.spec was fixed to not try to create duplicate dirs

Tue Feb 14 09:57:43 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 133386: Remove install time dependency on keyring and 
- Bug 148102: CASA-gui requires kdelibs3.

Tue Feb 14 11:17:20 CET 2006 - meissner@suse.de

- Fixed the broken %post and %preun logic, added prerequires.

Tue Feb 14 01:03:33 CET 2006 - ro@suse.de

- comment out filesystem dirs from filelist 

Mon Feb 13 08:50:22 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- compiler option -fstack-protector was added to the build scripts
- buffer overflow in pam-sscs.c was fixed.
- try-restart and status command line options were added to the
  micad script and CASA.spec was updated

Thu Feb 09 13:57:41 CET 2006 - meissner@suse.de

- disabled CASA by default again. #147934
- fixed file lists
- actually builds on all Mono supporting platforms now.

Thu Feb 09 02:19:05 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Wed Feb 08 17:45:50 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- startup and shutdown script was modified to not
	edit pam files.
- script to modify pam files for install, upgradeand 
	remove were created and spec file was modified to 
	call them.
- startup and shut down of the service during install
  and upgrade was fixed.
Tue Feb 07 14:00:59 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Updated the CASA.spec to move CASA to /usr/...
- fixed the startup script for updating pam files.
Tue Feb 07 10:49:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 147801. Handle reserved chars
Mon Feb 06 11:52:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 147801. Fix to add additional key-value pairs
Mon Feb 06 18:11:08 CET 2006 - meissner@suse.de

- Disable by default #147934
- Do not write PAM entries in micasad startup script #147935
Wed Feb 01 9:47:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Rename CASA-1.5.glade to CASA.glade
Mon Jan 30 18:29:05 CET 2006 - ro@suse.de

- replaced java2 by java2-devel-packages in BuildRequires 

Fri Jan 30 10:34:59 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- CASA.spec was corrected to work with the changes in
  gtk libs and mono.

Sat Jan 28 20:22:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 143878.  Handle more than 100 secrets in GUI.

Sat Jan 28 20:12:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 146025.  Prevent CASA manager from launch if
  MasterPassword login dialog is closed.

Sat Jan 28 11:46:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 143859.  Fix linking keys problem.

Fri Jan 27 03:03:18 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Wed Jan 25 14:18:52 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 142183. Do not add GKPassword to gnome-keyring
  Provided by Manohar

Wed Jan 25 14:12:52 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 136784.  Prevent multiple instances of GUI
  Provided by Manohar

Wed Jan 25 21:43:52 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Wed Jan 25 11:13:03 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Rolled Ruediger Ortel changes into micasad. 

Tue Jan 24 00:13:03 CET 2006 - gekker@suse.de

- fixup nfb for new gtk-sharp packaging

Mon Jan 23 16:03:16 CET 2006 - ro@suse.de

- add (empty) rest of LSB script header 

Sat Jan 21 21:25:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 143837. Add description to micasad service for windows

Fri Jan 20 13:20:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Attempt unlocking all gnome-keyrings at login time.

Thu Jan 20 11:39:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 142475. Add EULA to install for windows and license info
  in help dialog.

Thu Jan 19 11:17:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 143846. Suppress current key from being linked to itself.

Thu Jan 19 10:57:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 142939.  Keep 'New Key' menu item active.

Wed Jan 18 16:12:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 143891.  Sort SecretIDs on Link dialog.

Fri Jan 13 15:02:34 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 142937.  Activate 'New' menu option after unlock.

Fri Jan 13 13:02:34 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Upon recieving a fix from ximian the change below was undone.

Wed Jan 11 21:50:59 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Revert Mono.Unix.PeerCred back to Mono.Posix.PeerCred to run 
 on MONO 1.1.13 

Wed Jan 11 20:31:12 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 142091: Inconsistency with naming in the GUI - FIXED.
  String "MiCasa" changed to "miCASA" in the Link Keys dialog.

Tue Jan 10 10:24:26 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Changed dependency to MONO 1.1.13 

Tue Jan 10 18:16:01 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Bug 142091: Inconsistency with naming in the GUI - FIXED
Tue Jan 10 13:20:06 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Added support for ADD-KEY and DELETE-KEY for GnomeKeyring store.
- Bug 142183:Added code to prevent users from deleting "GKPassword" 
  Key in Keyring store.

Mon Jan 09 21:25:00 CET 2006 - gekker@suse.de

- Fix to build against the latest version of mono, version 1.1.13

Mon Jan 09 17:38:33 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com

- Change Mono.Unix to Mono.Unix.Native. Move from Mono.Posix to 

Fri Jan 06 16:06:03 MST 2006 - jnorman@novell.com
- Bug 141689.  Prevent multiple menus.

Fri Jan 06 17:44:03 IST 2006 - smanojna@novell.com

- Added ADD/MODIFY/DELETE functionalites for Keyring and KWallet
  stores and was integrated with the GUI.
- About dialog in the GUI was updated with the version info (1.6).

  1. Currently ADD-KEYS and DELETE-KEYS of existing secrets for Keyring
  is not functional.
  2. Creation of new secret in Keyring (ADD-SECRET) expects a key
  with the name "GKPassword" whose value will be the password for 
  the respective secret. This key should not be deleted.

Tue Jan 03 16:01:10 MST 2006 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Fixed link.lux files to use $ARC parameter to eliminate the
  errors caused during the build with the rpath link parameter. 

Thu Dec 22 14:37:04 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Removed creating sym links to CASAManager files 

Wed Dec 21 14:17:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 140056. Commented code to prevent login hangs in NDK.

Tue Dec 20 11:17:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 133485. Set .miCASA files as hidden

Tue Dec 20 10:40:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 140057. Disable destroying secrets when locked

Tue Dec 20 10:23:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 140058. Update version number on GUI

Sat Dec 17 08:23:38 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Merged in the CASA.changes from Patch_1.5

Fri Dec 16 15:07:22 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Compile erros in gk_ad.c were fixed to build. 

Fri Dec 16 10:49:53 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Checked in for changes in ADLib for Add-Modify-Delete for 
	KWallet and Gnome Keyring.

Fri Dec 16 08:55:06 MST 2005 - jluciani@novell.com

-Fixed compiler warnings in auth-token stuff.

Wed Dec 14 10:57:46 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

-Bug 138355. Delay persistence until home directory is created.
 prevent closing session prematurely (pam_sscs.c)

Wed Dec 14 10:22:46 MST 2005 - jluciani@novell.com

-Added authentication token stuff into the mix.

Tue Dec 13 15:29:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Patch build revision number is set to 198.

Tue Dec 13 15:20:53 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 138355.  Delay persistence until the users home directory
  is created (SecretStore.cs).  This was done for LUM integration
- On SessionClose in PAM (sscs_pam.c), change SSFlags to 0 on
  CloseSecretStoreCache to prevent closing session early.

Mon Dec 12 15:39:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- FINAL Patch build revision number is set to 190.

Mon Dec 12 15:29:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Patch build revision number is set to 189

Mon Dec 12 09:29:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Added patch changes that Rudy made on Nov. 14th to
  checkin to the stable branch.
- Changes made to CASA.spec and pam_sscs.c
- Fixed build in stable: add qt-bindir to PATH
- include syslog.h for LOG_ERR

Tue Dec 06 15:43:46 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

-Added AssemblyInfo files to all DotNET modules 

Tue Dec 06 09:43:46 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

-Reverting back to build 166 changes and updating the CASA.spec 
	to run pre and post script. 

Mon Dec 05 13:32:23 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 136523.  Fix KWallet code to show KWallet secrets. 
	fix made in kwallets_rw.cpp 

Fri Dec 02 16:35:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 136527.  Add handlers on KDEStore and GNOME Store code 

Fri Dec 02 15:11:49 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 136221, workaround in CASA.spec file were removed because
	they were not changes for supported intended use of the
	product. Instead the readme was updated.

Fri Dec 02 10:34:02 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 134096, add CASAManager.exe.config.
- Bug 136224, Document Readme for random crash on 64 bit. 
- Bug 136226, Launch kde-open on kde desktops, and gnome-open on 
	gnome for help files
- Bug 136221, Attempt to prevent installing 32bit rpms on 
	64 bit platforms as a workaround.
- Added CASA_dbg.spec file to build debug RPMs on autobuild

Wed Nov 30 10:34:02 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 134096, Fixed Wrapper code for proper structure marshaling. 

Tue Nov 29 17:01:09 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug: 134096 Fix CASA gui for 64 bit 

Wed Nov 24 14:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug fixes: 135387, 135393


Wed Nov 23 07:18:23 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- c_gui/CASAManager.sh was fixed to support lib64 directory.
- c_micasad/startup/micasad.sh was fixed to support lib64.

Wed Nov 23 16:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- changed PAM Capture to find libmicasa in path

Wed Nov 18 14:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Change GUI dependency from gtk2-devel to gtk2.

Wed Nov 16 13:42:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 133479.  Clear Native information when destroying secrets or refreshing

Tue Nov 15 14:54:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Added gtk2-devel dependency to CASA-gui rpm 

Mon Nov 14 15:56:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 133705 having to do with licenses in the source files
  was fixed. 
- CASA.spec was modified to accomodate for auto build scripts.
Fri Nov 11 08:26:50 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Added help files, and code to launch help files to GUI 

Thu Nov 10 12:32:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Replaced changes.log with CASA.changes in the src tree to be
  consistent with autobuild

Mon Nov 07 16:44:00 MST 2005 - cameron@novell.com

- CASA.spec and versioning number was modified to support build
  number as a part of the rpm version.
- lib*.so versioning was changed to support linux format versioning
  numbers. CASA libs are at 1.1.1 now.
	- Build scripts were modified to support $RPM_OPT_FLAGS.
	- Added persistence without desktop credentials.
	- Bug 130336 -- resevered escaped chars was fixed.
	- Bug 130518 -- invalid param exception handling was 
	- Support for extended ascii and double byte chars in 
	  GUI was added.
	- Finalized GUI cosmetic changes.

Thu Oct 27 11:40:20 MDT 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
-The image version to 1.5.0
   -   Work area was cleaned up for the final build.
   -   CASA.spec was modified to requirement.
   -   Minor bug fixes were applied.
Thu Oct 19 14:46:33 MDT 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
-The image version to 1.5.0
   -   Moving from version 1.0.0 to 1.5.0 as per PRD.