/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Novell.CASA.DataEngines.Common; using Novell.CASA.DataEngines.FF; namespace Novell.CASA.DataEngines { /* * This class is implementation of Data engine for FireFox. */ class FFEngine : DataEngine { private static string XML_FIRFOXSECRET_TYPE_SIGNON = "Signon"; private String defaultProfileName=null; private int initProfileStatus=-1; enum FireFoxResultExtended { FIREFOX_RESULT_SUCESS = 1, FIREFOX_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 128 }; public FFEngine() { //Get Profile Names //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine Aggregate:Invoking GetDefaultProfileName:"); defaultProfileName=FireFox.GetDefaultProfileName(); //This can be extended to get all profiles : Use FireFox.GetAllProfileNames() //Currently we support only the default profile. if(defaultProfileName!=null) { //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine Constructor:Initializing the Profile "+defaultProfileName); initProfileStatus=FireFox.InitProfile(defaultProfileName); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine Constructor:InitProfile returned "+initProfileStatus); } } ~FFEngine() { //Uninitialize the profile if initialized earlier //FIXME:- CURRENTLY NOT IVOKED SINCE THERES IS A BUG WHICH NEEDS TO BE FIXED IN FF NATIVE //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine Destructor:UnInitializing the Profile "+defaultProfileName); if(defaultProfileName!=null) FireFox.UninitProfile(defaultProfileName); } public XmlNode Aggregate() { //Init XML Document XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode rootElem = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_FFTAG); doc.AppendChild(rootElem); //Initialize & Aggregate DefaultProfile from Firefox if(defaultProfileName == null) { defaultProfileName=FireFox.GetDefaultProfileName(); initProfileStatus=FireFox.InitProfile(defaultProfileName); if(initProfileStatus!=1) return rootElem; } /*Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs : Printing Doc to Console-BEFORE\n"); doc.Save(Console.Out); int temp = readProfileToCCF(doc,rootElem,defaultProfileName); Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs : Printing Doc to Console-AFTER\n"); doc.Save(Console.Out);*/ int temp = readProfileToCCF(doc,rootElem,defaultProfileName); if(temp!=1) { //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine : Host List is null even when secrets are present"); FireFox.UninitProfile(defaultProfileName); defaultProfileName = FireFox.GetDefaultProfileName(); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine : Default Profile Name : " + defaultProfileName); if(defaultProfileName==null) return rootElem; initProfileStatus = FireFox.InitProfile(defaultProfileName); if(initProfileStatus!=1) return rootElem; readProfileToCCF(doc,rootElem,defaultProfileName); } //Initialize & Aggregate any other profiles here if required.... //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine:Returning Aggregated Node for FireFox:"); return rootElem; } public int SetSecret(XmlNode secret) { return (int)FireFoxResultExtended.FIREFOX_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } public int SetSecret(XmlNode secret, int opnType) { string ProfileName=null,secretName=null; int retVal=0; ProfileName = ExtractProfileName(secret); //Console.WriteLine("FfEngine.cs : ProfileName : " + ProfileName); secretName = ExtractSecretName(secret, opnType); Host newHost = new Host(); HostElement nh1 = null; try { newHost.hostName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(secretName); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs : SecretName " + secretName); }catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to Marshal the SecretName" + e.ToString()); } XmlNodeList keylist = secret.SelectNodes("descendant::Key"); try { IntPtr next = IntPtr.Zero; for (int i=keylist.Count-1;i>=0;i--) { //Get the Key HostElement nh = new HostElement(); XmlAttributeCollection at = keylist.Item(i).Attributes; String keyname = (at["ID"]).InnerText; String passwordstatus = (at["PasswordStatus"]).InnerText; //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs : Keyname : " + keyname); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs : Value : " + keylist.Item(i).ChildNodes[0].InnerText ); nh.name = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(keyname); nh.value = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(keylist.Item(i).ChildNodes[0].InnerText); nh.isPassword = Convert.ToInt32(passwordstatus); nh.next = next; next = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(nh)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(nh,next,false); } newHost.hostElement = next; retVal = FireFox.Modify_Host(ProfileName,newHost,1); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to Marshal the Key/Value Pairs" + e.ToString()); } return retVal; } public int GetSecret(XmlNode secret) { return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } public int Remove(XmlNode secret) { string ProfileName = ExtractProfileName(secret); string secretName = ExtractSecretName(secret, ConstStrings.OPERATION_DELETE_SECRET); int retVal = FireFox.Remove_Host(ProfileName,secretName); //return (int)FireFoxResultExtended.FIREFOX_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return retVal; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- //isMasterPasswordSet //Is MasterPassword Set For the specified (Currently-Default) profile //@param // None ; For supporting multiple profiles, // this needs to be extended to pass profile names // // @return 1 if master password is set // 0 if master password not set //-------------------------------------------------------------- public int isMasterPasswordSet() { return (int)FireFox.isMasterPasswordSetFor(defaultProfileName); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- //verifyMasterPassword //Check if the specified master password is correct or not for the (Currently-Default) profile. //If it is correct then password is stored to the internal store for later use. //If it is wrong then nothing is stored and 0 will be returned. // //@param // masterPassword (string) // ; For supporting multiple profiles, this needs to be extended to pass profile names // // @return 1 if the specified master password is correct // 0 if the master password is wrong. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public int verifyMasterPassword(string masterPassword) { return (int)FireFox.checkMasterPassword(defaultProfileName,masterPassword); } //=================Local Methods==================================== //-------------------------------------------------------------- //readProfileToCCF //@param // doc (XmlDocument) XML CCF Document for Firefox // profileName (string) name of the profile to be read //@return 1 on success // <=0 on error // <FireFox> // <Profile ID="Default"> // <Secret ID="hostname url" Type="Signon"> // <Key ID="UserName"> // <value>user1</value> // </Key> // <Key ID="Password"> // <value>password value</value> // </Key> // </Secret> // </Profile> // </FireFox> //-------------------------------------------------------------- public int readProfileToCCF(XmlDocument doc,XmlNode rootElement,string profileName) { int methodStatusCode=-1; if((profileName!=null) && (initProfileStatus==(int)FireFoxResultExtended.FIREFOX_RESULT_SUCESS)) { Host hostList = null; //Console.WriteLine("FireFox:Getting Data for profile "+profileName); hostList = FireFox.GetProfileData(profileName); if(hostList!=null) {// Something to Aggregate //Console.WriteLine("\nFFEngine.cs : HostList is not null"); XmlElement xmlProfileElement; String hostName; String name; String value; int isPassword; methodStatusCode=1; xmlProfileElement = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_FFPROFILE); //<Profile> XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); //<Profile>-ID idAttr.Value = profileName; xmlProfileElement.SetAttributeNode(idAttr); while (hostList != null) { HostElement hostElementList; XmlElement xmlSecretElement = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_SECRET); //<Secret> hostName = (String)Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(hostList.hostName); //Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine::hostName="+hostName); XmlAttribute secIdAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); //<Secret>-ID secIdAttr.Value = hostName; xmlSecretElement.SetAttributeNode(secIdAttr); XmlAttribute typeAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_TYPE); //<Secret>-Type typeAttr.Value = XML_FIRFOXSECRET_TYPE_SIGNON; xmlSecretElement.SetAttributeNode(typeAttr); //hostElementList = new HostElement(); hostElementList = (HostElement)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hostList.hostElement, typeof(HostElement)); while (hostElementList != null) { XmlElement xmlKeyElement = null; XmlAttribute keyIdAttr = null; XmlAttribute keyPasswdStatusAttr = null; XmlElement xmlValueElement = null; name = (String)Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(hostElementList.name); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine::name="+name); value = (String)Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(hostElementList.value); //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine::value="+value); isPassword = hostElementList.isPassword; //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine::isPassword="+isPassword); xmlKeyElement = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_KEY); //<Key keyIdAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); //<Key>-ID keyIdAttr.Value = name; xmlKeyElement.SetAttributeNode(keyIdAttr); keyPasswdStatusAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_PASSWDSTATUS); //<Key>-ID if(isPassword == 1) keyPasswdStatusAttr.Value = "1"; else keyPasswdStatusAttr.Value = "0"; xmlKeyElement.SetAttributeNode(keyPasswdStatusAttr); xmlValueElement = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_VALUE); //<value> xmlValueElement.InnerText = value; xmlKeyElement.AppendChild(xmlValueElement); //</value> xmlSecretElement.AppendChild(xmlKeyElement); //</Key //INNERLOOP-Loop for hostElementList if (hostElementList.next == IntPtr.Zero) { break; } hostElementList = (HostElement)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hostElementList.next, typeof(HostElement)); } xmlProfileElement.AppendChild(xmlSecretElement); //</Secret> //OUTERLOOP-Loop for hostList if (hostList.next == IntPtr.Zero) { //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine::End of all Data Items##"); break; } hostList = (Host)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hostList.next, typeof(Host)); } rootElement.AppendChild(xmlProfileElement); //</Profile> } }//~Aggregate profileName return methodStatusCode; } public static Boolean IsStoreAvailable() { try { if(FireFox.IsStoreAvailable() == 1) return true; else return false; } catch(DllNotFoundException d) { //Console.WriteLine("Store Not Available Exception = " + d.ToString()); return false; } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine("Store Not Available Exception = " + e.ToString()); return false; } } string ExtractSecretName(XmlNode secret, int opnType) { XmlAttributeCollection atcol = secret.Attributes; String secretid = atcol["ID"].InnerXml; //Console.WriteLine("FFEngine.cs: SecretId : " + secretid); if (opnType == ConstStrings.OPERATION_ADD_SECRET) { return secretid; //Not expecting an item Id } return secretid; //int itemIdx = secretid.LastIndexOf("]"); //Return substring without itemId //return(secretid.Substring(0,itemIdx)); } string ExtractProfileName(XmlNode secret) { XmlAttributeCollection atcol; XmlNode parentNode = secret.ParentNode; atcol = parentNode.Attributes; String profilename = atcol["ID"].InnerXml; return profilename; } //#if TEST public static void Main() { FFEngine ff = new FFEngine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("********** Menu ***********"); Console.WriteLine("* 5. Refresh *"); Console.WriteLine("* 6. Is Store Avail *"); Console.WriteLine("* 7. Quit *"); Console.WriteLine("***************************"); Console.WriteLine("For all options the input is the file /root/fftest.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Select option and Press enter"); String line = Console.ReadLine(); int res = 0; if (line.Length > 0) { char[] c = line.Substring(0, 1).ToCharArray(); if (c.Length > 0) { if (c[0].Equals('7')) return; if (c[0].Equals('6')) { Console.WriteLine("Store Available is = " + FFEngine.IsStoreAvailable()); return; } if (c[0].Equals('5')) { Console.WriteLine("FFEngine:Main:Aggregating:"); XmlNode node = ff.Aggregate (); XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument; XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter("/root/fftest.xml",null); writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; doc.Save(writer); writer.Close(); } else { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlTextReader tr = new XmlTextReader("/root/fftest.xml"); tr.Read(); xmlDoc.Load(tr); XmlNode root = xmlDoc.LastChild; if (root == null) { Console.WriteLine("Root is null"); } XmlNode secret = root.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0]; Console.WriteLine("secret Name \n" + secret.Name); } } } Console.WriteLine("Result of Operation = " + res); } //#endif } }