/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * * Author: Juan Carlos Luciani <jluciani@novell.com> * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef _IPCSERVER_ #define _IPCSERVER_ //===[ Header files specific to this module ]============================== //===[ Manifest constants ]============================== #ifndef IN #define IN #endif #ifndef OUT #define OUT #endif #ifndef INOUT #define INOUT #endif //===[ Structure Definitions ]============================== //===[ Function Prototypes ]============================== //++======================================================================= extern int32_t IpcServerGetRequest(void); // // Arguments In: None. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: The id of the pending request. // 0 == Not able to wait for request. // // Abstract: A server thread invokes this method to be informed when // a request is received that needs to be acted upon. // // Notes: The routine blocks until a request becomes available or // until the IpcServer is shutdown. // // An application can execute this method from multiple // threads to allow requests to be process concurrently. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern int32_t IpcServerGetRequestData( IN int32_t requestId, INOUT char **ppReqData); // // Arguments In: requestId - The id of the request being processed. // // Arguments Out: ppReqData - Pointer to variable that will receive a // pointer to the buffer containing the request // data the client. // // Returns: The length of the request data returned. // // Abstract: Method to obtain the data associated with a particular // request. // // Notes: The returned buffer SHOULD NOT be released by the calling // application. // // The returned buffer always contains a NULL after the // data indicated. You may be able to leverage this to // treat the data as a NULL terminated string in cases // where the request consists of ASCII characters. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern void IpcServerCompleteRequest( IN int32_t requestId, IN char *pReplyData); // // Arguments In: requestId - The id of the request being completed. // // pReplyData - Pointer to reply data that must be sent to // the client for this request. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: Nothing. // // Abstract: Method to complete a request being processed. // // Notes: The returned buffer will not NOT be released by the method. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern void IpcServerAbortRequest( IN int32_t requestId); // // Arguments In: requestId - The id of the request being aborted. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: Nothing. // // Abstract: Method to abort a request being processed. // // Notes: // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern int IpcServerStart(void); // // Arguments In: None. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: 0 == Success // -1 == Failure // // Abstract: Method to enable the reception of server requests. // // Note: The service needs to be initialized and the listen address // needs to be set before calling this procedure. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern int IpcServerSetUnAddress( IN char *pSocketFileName); // // Arguments In: pSocketFileName - Pointer to string containing the name // of the socket file to listen on. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: 0 == Success // -1 == Failure // // Abstract: Method to set the socket file name to utilize for // communicating with the server via DOMAIN sockets. // // Note: The service needs to be initialized before calling this procedure. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern int IpcServerSetInAddress( IN unsigned short int listenPort); // // Arguments In: serverPort - Server's listening port number. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: 0 == Success // -1 == Failure // // Abstract: Method to set the address to utilize for communicating // with the server via TCP sockets. // // Note: The service needs to be initialized before calling this procedure. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern int IpcServerInit( IN char *pName, IN int debugLevel, IN bool useSyslog); // // Arguments In: pName - Pointer to string containing the name that the // calling application wants associated with the // debug logs emitted by the library. // // debugLevel - The level that the library should use for // determining what information should be logged // for debugging purposes. 0 being the lowest // level. // // useSyslog - Set to TRUE to log debug statements using Syslog, // else debugs are log to stderr. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: 0 == Success // -1 == Failure // // Abstract: Method to initialize the IPC infrastructure for process. // // Note: It is necessary to call the start procedure to start // servicing requests. // //=======================================================================-- //++======================================================================= extern void IpcServerShutdown(void); // // Arguments In: None. // // Arguments Out: None. // // Returns: Nothing. // // Abstract: Method to shutdown the IPC service. // // Note: // //=======================================================================-- #endif // _IPCSERVER_ //========================================================================= //=========================================================================