/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ /* Sample code for C Language miCASA APIs */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #else #define getch(x) getchar(x); #endif #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <sscs_utf8.h> #include <micasa.h> #include <sscs_cache.h> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Pause() { printf("\nPress a key ==>\n"); getch(); } /* end of Pause */ void ReadKey() { int rcode = 0; char inputID[20]; char inputKey[20]; char inputValue[128] = {0}; uint32_t valueLen = 128; uint32_t bytesRequired = 0; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_T store = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedSecretId = {0}; void *context; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T kc = {0}; SSCS_EXT_T ext = {0}; printf("Enter secretID: "); gets(inputID); printf("Enter Key: "); gets(inputKey); if ((sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) > 0) && (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputKey) > 0)) { appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, inputID); printf("SAMPLE: Calling miCASAReadKey\r\n"); // open secretStore sscs_Utf8Strcpy(store.ssName, SSCS_DEFAULT_SECRETSTORE_ID); store.version = 1; context = miCASAOpenSecretStoreCache(&store, 0, NULL); if (context == NULL) { return; // NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE; } sscs_Utf8Strcpy(kc.keychainID, SSCS_SESSION_KEY_CHAIN_ID); kc.len = SSCS_S_KC_ID_CHARS; rcode = miCASAReadKey(context, 0, &kc, &appSecretId, inputKey, strlen(inputKey)+1, inputValue, &valueLen, NULL, &bytesRequired, &ext); miCASACloseSecretStoreCache(context, 0, NULL); if (rcode) { printf("miCASAReadKey returned %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } else { //set null //memcpy(inputValue[valueLen + 1], printf("KeyValue is %s\r\n", inputValue); } } } void WriteKey() { int rcode = 0; char inputID[20]; char inputKey[20]; char inputValue[20]; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_T store = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedSecretId = {0}; void *context; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T kc = {0}; SSCS_EXT_T ext = {0}; printf("Enter secretID: "); gets(inputID); printf("Enter Key: "); gets(inputKey); printf("Enter Value: "); gets(inputValue); if ((sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) > 0) && (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputKey) > 0) && (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputValue) > 0)) { appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, inputID); printf("SAMPLE: Calling miCASAWriteKey\r\n"); // open secretStore sscs_Utf8Strcpy(store.ssName, SSCS_DEFAULT_SECRETSTORE_ID); store.version = 1; context = miCASAOpenSecretStoreCache(&store, 0, NULL); if (context == NULL) { return; // NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE; } sscs_Utf8Strcpy(kc.keychainID, SSCS_SESSION_KEY_CHAIN_ID); kc.len = SSCS_S_KC_ID_CHARS; rcode = miCASAWriteKey(context, 0, &kc, &appSecretId, inputKey, strlen(inputKey)+1, inputValue, strlen(inputValue)+1, NULL, &ext); miCASACloseSecretStoreCache(context, 0, NULL); if (rcode) { printf("miCASAWriteKey returned %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } } } void AddSecret() { int rcode = 0; char inputID[20]; char inputUsername[20]; char inputPassword[20]; SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL credential = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedSecretId = {0}; SSCS_EXT_T ext = {0}; printf("Enter secretID: "); gets(inputID); printf("Enter Username: "); gets(inputUsername); printf("Enter Password: "); gets(inputPassword); if ((sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) > 0) && (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputUsername) > 0) && (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputPassword) > 0)) { appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, inputID); credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(credential.username, inputUsername); credential.unLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputUsername) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(credential.password, inputPassword); credential.pwordLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputPassword) + 1; printf("SAMPLE: Calling miCASASetCredential\r\n"); // sets the credential for this app rcode = miCASASetCredential( 0, &appSecretId, NULL, SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); if (rcode) { printf("Add Secret returned %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } } } void DisplaySecret() { int rcode = 0; char inputID[20]; int32_t credtype = SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F; SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL credential = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedSecretId = {0}; SSCS_EXT_T ext = {0}; printf("Enter secretID to display: "); gets(inputID); if (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) > 0) { appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, inputID); // set name type we desire credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; // gets the credential rcode = miCASAGetCredential( 0, &appSecretId, NULL, &credtype, //SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); if (rcode == NSSCS_SUCCESS) { printf("Credential for: %s\r\n", appSecretId.id); printf("Username: %s\r\n", credential.username); printf("Password: %s\r\n", credential.password); } else { printf("Error: %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } } } void RemoveSecret() { int rcode = 0; char inputID[20]; SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL credential = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedSecretId = {0}; SSCS_EXT_T ext = {0}; printf("Enter secretID to remove: "); gets(inputID); if (sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) > 0) { appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(inputID) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, inputID); // set name type we desire credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; // gets the credential rcode = miCASARemoveCredential( 0, &appSecretId, NULL, NULL ); if (rcode == NSSCS_SUCCESS) { printf("Credential %s removed\r\n", inputID); } else { printf("Error: %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } } } void RunTest() { { SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL credential = {0}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T appSecretId = {0}; int32_t credtype = SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F; int rcode = 0; int iFlags = 0; sscs_Utf8Strcpy(appSecretId.id, "NativeC.AppSecretID"); appSecretId.len = sscs_Utf8Strlen(appSecretId.id) + 1; credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.username, "SampleUsername"); credential.unLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.username) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.password, "SamplePassword"); credential.pwordLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.password) + 1; printf("Setting %s\r\n", appSecretId.id); printf(" Username: %s\r\n", credential.username); printf(" Password: %s\r\n", credential.password); // sets the credential for this app rcode = miCASASetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_EMAIL_F; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.username, "Username@novell.com"); credential.unLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.username) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.password, "SamplePassword"); credential.pwordLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.password) + 1; // sets the credential for this app rcode = miCASASetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_LDAP_DN_F; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.username, "cn=user,o=novell"); credential.unLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.username) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.password, "SamplePassword"); credential.pwordLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.password) + 1; // sets the credential for this app rcode = miCASASetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_NDS_DN_F; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.username, "Username.novell"); credential.unLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.username) + 1; sscs_Utf8Strcpy((char*)credential.password, "SamplePassword"); credential.pwordLen = sscs_Utf8Strlen(credential.password) + 1; // sets the credential for this app rcode = miCASASetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); // get the stuff back now memset(&credential, 0, sizeof(SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL)); credential.unLen = NSSCS_MAX_USERID_LEN; credential.pwordLen = NSSCS_MAX_PWORD_LEN; credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; // gets the specific credential rcode = miCASAGetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, &credtype, //SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); if (rcode == NSSCS_SUCCESS) { printf("Getting Credential: %s\r\n", appSecretId.id); printf(" Username: %s\r\n", credential.username); printf(" Password: %s\r\n", credential.password); } else { printf("ERROR getting Credential: %d\r\n", rcode); Pause(); } printf("Removing Credential\r\n"); rcode = miCASARemoveCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, NULL ); if (rcode != NSSCS_SUCCESS) printf("Error removing Credential: %d\r\n", rcode); // get the stuff back now memset(&credential, 0, sizeof(SSCS_BASIC_CREDENTIAL)); credential.unLen = NSSCS_MAX_USERID_LEN; credential.pwordLen = NSSCS_MAX_PWORD_LEN; credential.unFlags = USERNAME_TYPE_CN_F; // gets the specific credential rcode = miCASAGetCredential( iFlags, &appSecretId, NULL, &credtype, //SSCS_CRED_TYPE_BASIC_F, &credential, NULL ); if (rcode == NSSCS_E_INVALID_SECRET_ID) printf("Credential does not exist as expected -- SUCCESS\r\n"); else { printf("Credential exists, when it should not -- FAILED\r\n"); Pause(); } printf("Test completed\r\n"); } } void RunTests() { char runtimes[6]; int iCount = 1; int iTemp = 0; int i = 0; printf("Enter number interations to run (default 1): "); gets(runtimes); iTemp = atoi(runtimes); if (iTemp > 1) iCount=iTemp; for (i=0; i<iCount; i++) { RunTest(); printf("\r\n"); } } void displayMenu() { int c; while (1) { printf("\r\n"); printf("********** Menu **********\r\n"); printf("* 1. Add secret *\r\n"); printf("* 2. Display secret *\r\n"); printf("* 3. Remove secret *\r\n"); printf("* 4. Run automated test *\r\n"); printf("* 5. WriteKey *\r\n"); printf("* 6. ReadKey *\r\n"); printf("* 7. Quit *\r\n"); printf("**************************\r\n"); printf("Select option and press Enter\r\n"); c = getchar(); // get return getchar(); if (c == '7') return; else if (c == '1') AddSecret(); else if (c == '2') DisplaySecret(); else if (c == '3') RemoveSecret(); else if (c == '4') RunTests(); else if (c == '5') WriteKey(); else if (c == '6') ReadKey(); } } /* * NAME - main * * DESCRIPTION * miCASA test program. * */ int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { /* beginning of the call */ /* ########################## DECLARATIONS START HERE ######################### */ /* ############################## CODE STARTS HERE ############################ */ printf("***************************************************************\r\n"); printf("************** miCASA Sample program in C **************\r\n"); printf("***************************************************************\r\n"); displayMenu(); exit(0); /* ########################## CODE ENDS HERE ##################### */ }