/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef __FPM_Firefox_Password_MANAGER_H__ #define __FPM_Firefox_Password_MANAGER_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include <userenv.h> #pragma comment(lib,"userenv.lib") #define STRCMPI strcmpi #define APIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #define NSS_LIBRARY_NAME "nss3.dll" #define PLC_LIBRARY_NAME "plc4.dll" #define NSPR_LIBRARY_NAME "nspr4.dll" #define PLDS_LIBRARY_NAME "plds4.dll" #define SOFTN_LIBRARY_NAME "softokn3.dll" #define LOADLIBRARY(x) LoadLibrary(x) #define GETPROCADDRESS GetProcAddress #define FREELIBRARY FreeLibrary #else #include <dlfcn.h> #define STRCMPI strcasecmp #define APIEXPORT #define NSS_LIBRARY_NAME "libnss3.so" #define PLC_LIBRARY_NAME "libplc4.so" #define NSPR_LIBRARY_NAME "libnspr4.so" #define PLDS_LIBRARY_NAME "libplds4.so" #define SOFTN_LIBRARY_NAME "libsoftokn3.so" #define LOADLIBRARY(x) dlopen(x, RTLD_LAZY) // alternative : RTLD_NOW #define GETPROCADDRESS dlsym #define FREELIBRARY dlclose #define HMODULE void * #endif #define FPM_TRUE 1 #define FPM_FALSE 0 #define MESG_DEBUG 0 #define MESG_PRINT 1 #define MESG_ERROR 2 #define MAX_PROFILE_COUNT 5 //#define DEBUG 11 #define Unichar unsigned int #define HEADER_VERSION "#2c" #define CRYPT_PREFIX "~" #define SIGNON_FILE_NAME "signons.txt" // Internal structure declaration taken from firefox..... typedef enum SECItemType { siBuffer = 0, siClearDataBuffer = 1, siCipherDataBuffer = 2, siDERCertBuffer = 3, siEncodedCertBuffer = 4, siDERNameBuffer = 5, siEncodedNameBuffer = 6, siAsciiNameString = 7, siAsciiString = 8, siDEROID = 9, siUnsignedInteger = 10, siUTCTime = 11, siGeneralizedTime = 12 }; //typedef struct SECItemStr SECItem; struct SECItem { SECItemType type; unsigned char *data; unsigned int len; }; typedef enum SECStatus { SECWouldBlock = -2, SECFailure = -1, SECSuccess = 0 }; // For some PR type varialbes...just to remove gecko-sdk dependency // following is added here. #define PRBool int #define PRUint32 unsigned int #define PR_TRUE 1 #define PR_FALSE 0 // End typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo; // NSS Library functions //typedef char *(PR_CALLBACK *PK11PasswordFunc)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void *arg); typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Init) (const char *configdir); typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Shutdown) (void); //typedef void (*PK11_SetPasswordFunc) (PK11PasswordFunc func); typedef PK11SlotInfo * (*PK11_GetInternalKeySlot) (void); typedef void (*PK11_FreeSlot) (PK11SlotInfo *slot); typedef SECStatus (*PK11_Authenticate) (PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx); typedef SECStatus (*PK11_CheckUserPassword) (PK11SlotInfo *slot,char *pw); typedef SECStatus (*PK11SDR_Decrypt) (SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx); typedef SECStatus (*PK11SDR_Encrypt) (SECItem *keyid, SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx); // PLC Library functions typedef char * (*PL_Base64Encode)( const char *src, PRUint32 srclen, char *dest); typedef char * (*PL_Base64Decode)( const char *src, PRUint32 srclen, char *dest); void PrintMessage( int level, char *mesg , ...); int IsDirectoryExists( char *path ); void StrLwr(char *str); // Profile initiliazation functions extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_IsStoreAvailable(); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_GetProfileList(char **profileList[], int **profileFlag); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_FirefoxProfileInit(char *profileName); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_FirefoxProfileExit(char *profileName); // Master password functions extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_IsMasterPasswordSet(char *profileName); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_CheckMasterPassword(char *profileName, char *masterPassword); // Signon data update functions extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_GetSignonData(char *profileName,struct Host **host, int doRefresh); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_WriteSignonData(char *profileName); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_AddHost(char *profileName, struct Host *host, int doUpdate); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_ModifyHost(char *profileName, struct Host *host, int doUpdate); extern "C" APIEXPORT int FPM_RemoveHost(char *profileName, char *hostname, int doUpdate); #endif