Mon Jan  8 15:26:15 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Applied changes to solve most issues found during my code
  review of the components. 

Wed Dec 13 10:18:25 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Made changes to deal with API changes in the identity package file.
  Without these changes the component does not build successfully. 

Wed Dec  6 10:29:15 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Added option to the command being used to import
  certificate from the CasaBasicATSSetup script so
  that it works correctly in conjunction with our
  Yast module. This addresses BUG225428. 

Mon Dec  4 17:21:00 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Added a workaround to the CasaBasicATSSetup script to import
  eDirs CA Cert into the Java keystore if it is present. This
  workaround will be removed once OES starts performing it.
  This addresses BUG225428. 

Mon Dec  4 15:14:12 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed "Shutting..." init.d output script problem documented
  in BUG225027. 

Mon Dec  4 10:26:16 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed ATS Setup BUG225426. 

Tue Nov 28 09:39:05 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed a dependency on IBM's Java related to bugs: BUG222541,
  BUG216949, and BUG215221.  

Wed Nov 22 08:43:26 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved the following bugs: BUG222541, BUG216949, BUG215221. :-). 

Tue Nov 21 17:53:20 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Added NOTICES file detailing the licenses and/or the copyrights
  of all third party software used within the project.

Tue Nov 21 10:36:42 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed spec file issue. 

Fri Nov 17 17:08:13 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Removed hard dependency on IBM's JVM. 

Thu Nov  9 11:42:15 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Completed the ATS configuration story with a tool that
  sets up all of the needed configuration files and
  parameters with support for a single LDAP Realm and

Tue Nov  7 10:42:24 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- The service is now only accessible via SSL.
- Created tools for editing settings and policy files. 

Fri Oct 20 09:53:55 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Modified the CasaAuthTokenSvc war file to no longer include the
  identity-abstraction jars. The CASA_auth_token_svc rpm now requires
  the installation of the identity-abstraction rpm and the service is
  able to load its files from the location where they are installed
  with settings set in the server.xml file of our tomcat base.

Wed Oct 18 17:22:01 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Updated the RPM install of the ATS to install it as a service
  and create the necessary signing keys.

- Made changes to other components to integrate with the new
  RPM install changes. 

Tue Oct 10 08:45:22 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Brought up to date the README and TODO files.

Thu Sep 21 15:41:18 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Reduced Kerberos configuration requirements. Now the ATS service
  principal name defaults to "host" and there is no need to set the
  "javax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly" system property to "false"
  in the JAVA_OPTS. 

Mon Sep 18 11:18:00 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Updated the Svc to reduce the configuration requirements on services
  that want to leverage the infrastructure.

- Modified the WSSecurity module to not include the X509 certificate
  in tokens if they are targeted to services residing on the same
  box as the ATS. This is being done in order to minimize the size
  of the tokens. 

Thu Sep 14 09:57:00 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Made changes to support the Authtoken Validate Service. This now
  fixes support of "C" services.

- Switched to using IBMs java instead of SUNs. This was done in order to
  gain better Kerberos support (IBMs Kerberos modul supports more
  encryption types) and to get around a problem in SUN's Invocation API
  that was not letting us consume our AuthToken class from a native thread
  other than the thread which creates the JVM.

Fri Aug 18 11:49:22 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Implemented securing Authentication and Session Tokens using WS-Security.
  This change temporarily breaks support of "C" services. "C" service support
  will be resumed once the necessary changes are made to the native authentication
  token APIs to support the new Authentication Tokens.

Mon Aug 14 14:25:27 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Added some debug statements and added the sample Jaas application into
  the tar file that is submitted to autobuild. 

Mon Aug 7 10:28:32 MDT 2006 - schoi@novell.com
- This file has been created for CASA_auth_token_svc project for the first
