#                                                     #
# CASA Authentication Token System configuration file #
# for client.                                         #
#                                                     #

# ATSHostList setting.
# Description: Used to configure the addresses of the
#              ATSs that should be used for obtaining
#              authentication tokens. Use semicolons
#              and no spaces to separate the host
#              entries. To also configure the ports
#              utilized by a host specify the
#              port number after the hostname using
#              a colon to separate the fields.
#              Note that the client will try all of the
#              ATSs on this list in the specified order
#              in addition to the host for which an
#              Authentication Token has been requested.
#ATSHostList    hostname1:2645;ip_address:443;hostname2

# DisableSecureConnections setting.
# Description: Used to disable the use of secure connections (SSL) between
#              the Client and ATSs.
#              If this parameter is not set to true, the client
#              defaults to communicating securedly with ATSs.
#              Security Note: Disabling secure connections allows
#              malicious users/processes to view confidential
#              information such as username/passwords and to tamper
#              with client-ATS communications without being detected.
#              You should not disable secure connections unless you are
#              trying to debug the authentication token infrastructure.
#DisableSecureConnections	false

# AllowUntrustedCerts setting.
# Description: Used to specify that the client should ignore
#              invalid certificates presented by ATSs when
#              performing SSL communications.
#              If this parameter is not set to true, the client defaults
#              to not ignoring invalid certificates presented by ATSs.
#              ATSs.
#              Security Note: Ignoring invalid certificates downgrades the
#              security of your infrastructure by allowing a malicious
#              process to impersonate an ATS and obtain information that
#              is confidential such as username and passwords.
#AllowUntrustedCerts	true

# UsersCannotAllowInvalidCerts setting.
# Description: Used to specify that the client should not allow users to
#              decide that invalid certificates presented by ATSs should be
#              ignored.
#              If this parameter is not set to true, the client defaults
#              to allow users to choose whether or not invalid certificates
#              presented by ATSs.
#              If this parameter is set to true then users are not consulted
#              when an invalid server certificate is received and communications
#              between the client and the ATS fail.
#              Note: This parameter has no effect if the setting AllowInvalidCerts
#              is set to true.
#UsersCannotAllowInvalidCerts	true

# DebugLevel setting.
# Description: Used to specify the level of logging utilized for debugging
#              purposes. A level of zero being the lowest debugging level.
#              If this parameter is not set, the client defaults
#              to use a debug level of zero.
#              Note: Under Linux, debug output is placed in the /ver/log/messages
#              file. Under Windoes, debug output is dumped to the debugger console
#              unless a folder is specified using the DebugLogFolderPath setting.
#              Output sent to the debug console under windows can be viewed by using
#              tools such as DbgView.
#DebugLevel	0

# DebugLogFolderPath setting.
# Description: Used to specify a path to a folder to be used for placing debug
#              log files under Windows.
#              If this parameter is not set on windows, the client defaults
#              to dumping debug output to the debug console.
#              Note: The folder specified must exist and all users that may
#              be writting to it should be given write privileges to it.
#DebugLogFolderPath   c:\logfolder