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  <div class="head3b">Editing Secrets</div>

  <!--Remove this section if you do not need introductory text for this topic -->
  <p class="margintop2">You edit a secret by adding new Key-Value pairs or changing 
    existing Key-Value pairs:<br>
    <li>In the main Secret-ID window, double-click the secret you want to edit.<br>
    <li>Type a second password key and corresponding password value (for example, 
      Password2 and testpassword2) in the Key and Value fields, then click the 
      + button. <br>
      In this example, from the new Password2 key, the value is encrypted and 
      displays as asterisks. To show the value in clear text, click Show Values 
      in Clear Text, then enter your master password.<br>
    <li>To edit the password value, click the Value field in the Key-Value pairs 
      window, type your new value, then click OK. The new password value is saved 
      in the miCASA credential store.<br>
      After they are created, Secret ID names cannot be edited.</li>
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