image_create(Captcha::$config['background']); // Add random white/gray arcs, amount depends on complexity setting $count = (Captcha::$config['width'] + Captcha::$config['height']) / 2; $count = $count / 5 * min(10, Captcha::$config['complexity']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { imagesetthickness($this->image, mt_rand(1, 2)); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 255, 255, 255, mt_rand(0, 120)); imagearc($this->image, mt_rand(-Captcha::$config['width'], Captcha::$config['width']), mt_rand(-Captcha::$config['height'], Captcha::$config['height']), mt_rand(-Captcha::$config['width'], Captcha::$config['width']), mt_rand(-Captcha::$config['height'], Captcha::$config['height']), mt_rand(0, 360), mt_rand(0, 360), $color); } // Use different fonts if available $font = Captcha::$config['fontpath'].Captcha::$config['fonts'][array_rand(Captcha::$config['fonts'])]; // Draw the character's white shadows $size = (int) min(Captcha::$config['height'] / 2, Captcha::$config['width'] * 0.8 / strlen($this->response)); $angle = mt_rand(-15 + strlen($this->response), 15 - strlen($this->response)); $x = mt_rand(1, Captcha::$config['width'] * 0.9 - $size * strlen($this->response)); $y = ((Captcha::$config['height'] - $size) / 2) + $size; $color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 255, 255, 255); imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x + 1, $y + 1, $color, $font, $this->response); // Add more shadows for lower complexities (Captcha::$config['complexity'] < 10) and imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x - 1, $y - 1, $color, $font , $this->response); (Captcha::$config['complexity'] < 8) and imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x - 2, $y + 2, $color, $font , $this->response); (Captcha::$config['complexity'] < 6) and imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x + 2, $y - 2, $color, $font , $this->response); (Captcha::$config['complexity'] < 4) and imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x + 3, $y + 3, $color, $font , $this->response); (Captcha::$config['complexity'] < 2) and imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x - 3, $y - 3, $color, $font , $this->response); // Finally draw the foreground characters $color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0); imagefttext($this->image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $font, $this->response); // Output return $this->image_render($html); } } // End Captcha Black Driver Class