<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * Object Relational Mapping (ORM) result iterator. * * $Id: ORM_Iterator.php 3769 2008-12-15 00:48:56Z zombor $ * * @package ORM * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html */ class ORM_Iterator_Core implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable { // Class attributes protected $class_name; protected $primary_key; protected $primary_val; // Database result object protected $result; public function __construct(ORM $model, Database_Result $result) { // Class attributes $this->class_name = get_class($model); $this->primary_key = $model->primary_key; $this->primary_val = $model->primary_val; // Database result $this->result = $result->result(TRUE); } /** * Returns an array of the results as ORM objects. * * @return array */ public function as_array() { $array = array(); if ($results = $this->result->result_array()) { // Import class name $class = $this->class_name; foreach ($results as $obj) { $array[] = new $class($obj); } } return $array; } /** * Return an array of all of the primary keys for this object. * * @return array */ public function primary_key_array() { $ids = array(); foreach ($this->result as $row) { $ids[] = $row->{$this->primary_key}; } return $ids; } /** * Create a key/value array from the results. * * @param string key column * @param string value column * @return array */ public function select_list($key = NULL, $val = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { // Use the default key $key = $this->primary_key; } if ($val === NULL) { // Use the default value $val = $this->primary_val; } $array = array(); foreach ($this->result->result_array() as $row) { $array[$row->$key] = $row->$val; } return $array; } /** * Return a range of offsets. * * @param integer start * @param integer end * @return array */ public function range($start, $end) { // Array of objects $array = array(); if ($this->result->offsetExists($start)) { // Import the class name $class = $this->class_name; // Set the end offset $end = $this->result->offsetExists($end) ? $end : $this->count(); for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { // Insert each object in the range $array[] = new $class($this->result->offsetGet($i)); } } return $array; } /** * Countable: count */ public function count() { return $this->result->count(); } /** * Iterator: current */ public function current() { if ($row = $this->result->current()) { // Import class name $class = $this->class_name; $row = new $class($row); } return $row; } /** * Iterator: key */ public function key() { return $this->result->key(); } /** * Iterator: next */ public function next() { return $this->result->next(); } /** * Iterator: rewind */ public function rewind() { $this->result->rewind(); } /** * Iterator: valid */ public function valid() { return $this->result->valid(); } /** * ArrayAccess: offsetExists */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->result->offsetExists($offset); } /** * ArrayAccess: offsetGet */ public function offsetGet($offset) { if ($this->result->offsetExists($offset)) { // Import class name $class = $this->class_name; return new $class($this->result->offsetGet($offset)); } } /** * ArrayAccess: offsetSet * * @throws Kohana_Database_Exception */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new Kohana_Database_Exception('database.result_read_only'); } /** * ArrayAccess: offsetUnset * * @throws Kohana_Database_Exception */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new Kohana_Database_Exception('database.result_read_only'); } } // End ORM Iterator