<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * Memcache-based Cache driver. * * $Id: Memcache.php 4102 2009-03-19 12:55:54Z Shadowhand $ * * @package Cache * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html */ class Cache_Memcache_Driver implements Cache_Driver { const TAGS_KEY = 'memcache_tags_array'; // Cache backend object and flags protected $backend; protected $flags; // Tags array protected static $tags; // Have the tags been changed? protected static $tags_changed = FALSE; public function __construct() { if ( ! extension_loaded('memcache')) throw new Kohana_Exception('cache.extension_not_loaded', 'memcache'); $this->backend = new Memcache; $this->flags = Kohana::config('cache_memcache.compression') ? MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED : FALSE; $servers = Kohana::config('cache_memcache.servers'); foreach ($servers as $server) { // Make sure all required keys are set $server += array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'persistent' => FALSE); // Add the server to the pool $this->backend->addServer($server['host'], $server['port'], (bool) $server['persistent']) or Kohana::log('error', 'Cache: Connection failed: '.$server['host']); } // Load tags self::$tags = $this->backend->get(self::TAGS_KEY); if ( ! is_array(self::$tags)) { // Create a new tags array self::$tags = array(); // Tags have been created self::$tags_changed = TRUE; } } public function __destruct() { if (self::$tags_changed === TRUE) { // Save the tags $this->backend->set(self::TAGS_KEY, self::$tags, $this->flags, 0); // Tags are now unchanged self::$tags_changed = FALSE; } } public function find($tag) { if (isset(self::$tags[$tag]) AND $results = $this->backend->get(self::$tags[$tag])) { // Return all the found caches return $results; } else { // No matching tags return array(); } } public function get($id) { return (($return = $this->backend->get($id)) === FALSE) ? NULL : $return; } public function set($id, $data, array $tags = NULL, $lifetime) { if ( ! empty($tags)) { // Tags will be changed self::$tags_changed = TRUE; foreach ($tags as $tag) { // Add the id to each tag self::$tags[$tag][$id] = $id; } } if ($lifetime !== 0) { // Memcache driver expects unix timestamp $lifetime += time(); } // Set a new value return $this->backend->set($id, $data, $this->flags, $lifetime); } public function delete($id, $tag = FALSE) { // Tags will be changed self::$tags_changed = TRUE; if ($id === TRUE) { if ($status = $this->backend->flush()) { // Remove all tags, all items have been deleted self::$tags = array(); // We must sleep after flushing, or overwriting will not work! // @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.memcache-flush.php#81420 sleep(1); } return $status; } elseif ($tag === TRUE) { if (isset(self::$tags[$id])) { foreach (self::$tags[$id] as $_id) { // Delete each id in the tag $this->backend->delete($_id); } // Delete the tag unset(self::$tags[$id]); } return TRUE; } else { foreach (self::$tags as $tag => $_ids) { if (isset(self::$tags[$tag][$id])) { // Remove the id from the tags unset(self::$tags[$tag][$id]); } } return $this->backend->delete($id); } } public function delete_expired() { // Tags will be changed self::$tags_changed = TRUE; foreach (self::$tags as $tag => $_ids) { foreach ($_ids as $id) { if ( ! $this->backend->get($id)) { // This id has disappeared, delete it from the tags unset(self::$tags[$tag][$id]); } } if (empty(self::$tags[$tag])) { // The tag no longer has any valid ids unset(self::$tags[$tag]); } } // Memcache handles garbage collection internally return TRUE; } } // End Cache Memcache Driver