> 1); } /** * Converts a DOS timestamp to UNIX format. * * @param integer DOS timestamp * @return integer */ public static function dos2unix($timestamp = FALSE) { $sec = 2 * ($timestamp & 0x1f); $min = ($timestamp >> 5) & 0x3f; $hrs = ($timestamp >> 11) & 0x1f; $day = ($timestamp >> 16) & 0x1f; $mon = ($timestamp >> 21) & 0x0f; $year = ($timestamp >> 25) & 0x7f; return mktime($hrs, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year + 1980); } /** * Returns the offset (in seconds) between two time zones. * @see http://php.net/timezones * * @param string timezone that to find the offset of * @param string|boolean timezone used as the baseline * @return integer */ public static function offset($remote, $local = TRUE) { static $offsets; // Default values $remote = (string) $remote; $local = ($local === TRUE) ? date_default_timezone_get() : (string) $local; // Cache key name $cache = $remote.$local; if (empty($offsets[$cache])) { // Create timezone objects $remote = new DateTimeZone($remote); $local = new DateTimeZone($local); // Create date objects from timezones $time_there = new DateTime('now', $remote); $time_here = new DateTime('now', $local); // Find the offset $offsets[$cache] = $remote->getOffset($time_there) - $local->getOffset($time_here); } return $offsets[$cache]; } /** * Number of seconds in a minute, incrementing by a step. * * @param integer amount to increment each step by, 1 to 30 * @param integer start value * @param integer end value * @return array A mirrored (foo => foo) array from 1-60. */ public static function seconds($step = 1, $start = 0, $end = 60) { // Always integer $step = (int) $step; $seconds = array(); for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i += $step) { $seconds[$i] = ($i < 10) ? '0'.$i : $i; } return $seconds; } /** * Number of minutes in an hour, incrementing by a step. * * @param integer amount to increment each step by, 1 to 30 * @return array A mirrored (foo => foo) array from 1-60. */ public static function minutes($step = 5) { // Because there are the same number of minutes as seconds in this set, // we choose to re-use seconds(), rather than creating an entirely new // function. Shhhh, it's cheating! ;) There are several more of these // in the following methods. return date::seconds($step); } /** * Number of hours in a day. * * @param integer amount to increment each step by * @param boolean use 24-hour time * @param integer the hour to start at * @return array A mirrored (foo => foo) array from start-12 or start-23. */ public static function hours($step = 1, $long = FALSE, $start = NULL) { // Default values $step = (int) $step; $long = (bool) $long; $hours = array(); // Set the default start if none was specified. if ($start === NULL) { $start = ($long === FALSE) ? 1 : 0; } $hours = array(); // 24-hour time has 24 hours, instead of 12 $size = ($long === TRUE) ? 23 : 12; for ($i = $start; $i <= $size; $i += $step) { $hours[$i] = $i; } return $hours; } /** * Returns AM or PM, based on a given hour. * * @param integer number of the hour * @return string */ public static function ampm($hour) { // Always integer $hour = (int) $hour; return ($hour > 11) ? 'PM' : 'AM'; } /** * Adjusts a non-24-hour number into a 24-hour number. * * @param integer hour to adjust * @param string AM or PM * @return string */ public static function adjust($hour, $ampm) { $hour = (int) $hour; $ampm = strtolower($ampm); switch ($ampm) { case 'am': if ($hour == 12) $hour = 0; break; case 'pm': if ($hour < 12) $hour += 12; break; } return sprintf('%02s', $hour); } /** * Number of days in month. * * @param integer number of month * @param integer number of year to check month, defaults to the current year * @return array A mirrored (foo => foo) array of the days. */ public static function days($month, $year = FALSE) { static $months; // Always integers $month = (int) $month; $year = (int) $year; // Use the current year by default $year = ($year == FALSE) ? date('Y') : $year; // We use caching for months, because time functions are used if (empty($months[$year][$month])) { $months[$year][$month] = array(); // Use date to find the number of days in the given month $total = date('t', mktime(1, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) + 1; for ($i = 1; $i < $total; $i++) { $months[$year][$month][$i] = $i; } } return $months[$year][$month]; } /** * Number of months in a year * * @return array A mirrored (foo => foo) array from 1-12. */ public static function months() { return date::hours(); } /** * Returns an array of years between a starting and ending year. * Uses the current year +/- 5 as the max/min. * * @param integer starting year * @param integer ending year * @return array */ public static function years($start = FALSE, $end = FALSE) { // Default values $start = ($start === FALSE) ? date('Y') - 5 : (int) $start; $end = ($end === FALSE) ? date('Y') + 5 : (int) $end; $years = array(); // Add one, so that "less than" works $end += 1; for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { $years[$i] = $i; } return $years; } /** * Returns time difference between two timestamps, in human readable format. * * @param integer timestamp * @param integer timestamp, defaults to the current time * @param string formatting string * @return string|array */ public static function timespan($time1, $time2 = NULL, $output = 'years,months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds') { // Array with the output formats $output = preg_split('/[^a-z]+/', strtolower((string) $output)); // Invalid output if (empty($output)) return FALSE; // Make the output values into keys extract(array_flip($output), EXTR_SKIP); // Default values $time1 = max(0, (int) $time1); $time2 = empty($time2) ? time() : max(0, (int) $time2); // Calculate timespan (seconds) $timespan = abs($time1 - $time2); // All values found using Google Calculator. // Years and months do not match the formula exactly, due to leap years. // Years ago, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 isset($years) and $timespan -= 31556926 * ($years = (int) floor($timespan / 31556926)); // Months ago, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 isset($months) and $timespan -= 2629744 * ($months = (int) floor($timespan / 2629743.83)); // Weeks ago, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 isset($weeks) and $timespan -= 604800 * ($weeks = (int) floor($timespan / 604800)); // Days ago, 60 * 60 * 24 isset($days) and $timespan -= 86400 * ($days = (int) floor($timespan / 86400)); // Hours ago, 60 * 60 isset($hours) and $timespan -= 3600 * ($hours = (int) floor($timespan / 3600)); // Minutes ago, 60 isset($minutes) and $timespan -= 60 * ($minutes = (int) floor($timespan / 60)); // Seconds ago, 1 isset($seconds) and $seconds = $timespan; // Remove the variables that cannot be accessed unset($timespan, $time1, $time2); // Deny access to these variables $deny = array_flip(array('deny', 'key', 'difference', 'output')); // Return the difference $difference = array(); foreach ($output as $key) { if (isset($$key) AND ! isset($deny[$key])) { // Add requested key to the output $difference[$key] = $$key; } } // Invalid output formats string if (empty($difference)) return FALSE; // If only one output format was asked, don't put it in an array if (count($difference) === 1) return current($difference); // Return array return $difference; } /** * Returns time difference between two timestamps, in the format: * N year, N months, N weeks, N days, N hours, N minutes, and N seconds ago * * @param integer timestamp * @param integer timestamp, defaults to the current time * @param string formatting string * @return string */ public static function timespan_string($time1, $time2 = NULL, $output = 'years,months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds') { if ($difference = date::timespan($time1, $time2, $output) AND is_array($difference)) { // Determine the key of the last item in the array $last = end($difference); $last = key($difference); $span = array(); foreach ($difference as $name => $amount) { if ($amount === 0) { // Skip empty amounts continue; } // Add the amount to the span $span[] = ($name === $last ? ' and ' : ', ').$amount.' '.($amount === 1 ? inflector::singular($name) : $name); } // If the difference is less than 60 seconds, remove the preceding and. if (count($span) === 1) { $span[0] = ltrim($span[0], 'and '); } // Replace difference by making the span into a string $difference = trim(implode('', $span), ','); } elseif (is_int($difference)) { // Single-value return $difference = $difference.' '.($difference === 1 ? inflector::singular($output) : $output); } return $difference; } } // End date