1) { if (ctype_alpha($str)) { // Add a random digit $str[mt_rand(0, $length - 1)] = chr(mt_rand(48, 57)); } elseif (ctype_digit($str)) { // Add a random letter $str[mt_rand(0, $length - 1)] = chr(mt_rand(65, 90)); } } return $str; } /** * Reduces multiple slashes in a string to single slashes. * * @param string string to reduce slashes of * @return string */ public static function reduce_slashes($str) { return preg_replace('#(? $badword) { $badwords[$key] = str_replace('\*', '\S*?', preg_quote((string) $badword)); } $regex = '('.implode('|', $badwords).')'; if ($replace_partial_words == TRUE) { // Just using \b isn't sufficient when we need to replace a badword that already contains word boundaries itself $regex = '(?<=\b|\s|^)'.$regex.'(?=\b|\s|$)'; } $regex = '!'.$regex.'!ui'; if (utf8::strlen($replacement) == 1) { $regex .= 'e'; return preg_replace($regex, 'str_repeat($replacement, utf8::strlen(\'$1\'))', $str); } return preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $str); } /** * Finds the text that is similar between a set of words. * * @param array words to find similar text of * @return string */ public static function similar(array $words) { // First word is the word to match against $word = current($words); for ($i = 0, $max = strlen($word); $i < $max; ++$i) { foreach ($words as $w) { // Once a difference is found, break out of the loops if ( ! isset($w[$i]) OR $w[$i] !== $word[$i]) break 2; } } // Return the similar text return substr($word, 0, $i); } /** * Converts text email addresses and anchors into links. * * @param string text to auto link * @return string */ public static function auto_link($text) { // Auto link emails first to prevent problems with "www.domain.com@example.com" return text::auto_link_urls(text::auto_link_emails($text)); } /** * Converts text anchors into links. * * @param string text to auto link * @return string */ public static function auto_link_urls($text) { // Finds all http/https/ftp/ftps links that are not part of an existing html anchor if (preg_match_all('~\b(?)(?:ht|f)tps?://\S+(?:/|\b)~i', $text, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { // Replace each link with an anchor $text = str_replace($match, html::anchor($match), $text); } } // Find all naked www.links.com (without http://) if (preg_match_all('~\b(?|58;)(?!\.)[-+_a-z0-9.]++(? and
markup to text. Basically nl2br() on steroids. * * @param string subject * @return string */ public static function auto_p($str) { // Trim whitespace if (($str = trim($str)) === '') return ''; // Standardize newlines $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $str); // Trim whitespace on each line $str = preg_replace('~^[ \t]+~m', '', $str); $str = preg_replace('~[ \t]+$~m', '', $str); // The following regexes only need to be executed if the string contains html if ($html_found = (strpos($str, '<') !== FALSE)) { // Elements that should not be surrounded by p tags $no_p = '(?:p|div|h[1-6r]|ul|ol|li|blockquote|d[dlt]|pre|t[dhr]|t(?:able|body|foot|head)|c(?:aption|olgroup)|form|s(?:elect|tyle)|a(?:ddress|rea)|ma(?:p|th))'; // Put at least two linebreaks before and after $no_p elements $str = preg_replace('~^<'.$no_p.'[^>]*+>~im', "\n$0", $str); $str = preg_replace('~$~im', "$0\n", $str); } // Do the

magic! $str = '


'; $str = preg_replace('~\n{2,}~', "


", $str); // The following regexes only need to be executed if the string contains html if ($html_found !== FALSE) { // Remove p tags around $no_p elements $str = preg_replace('~

(?=]*+>)~i', '', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(]*+>)

~i', '$1', $str); } // Convert single linebreaks to
$str = preg_replace('~(?\n", $str); return $str; } /** * Returns human readable sizes. * @see Based on original functions written by: * @see Aidan Lister: http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.size_readable.php * @see Quentin Zervaas: http://www.phpriot.com/d/code/strings/filesize-format/ * * @param integer size in bytes * @param string a definitive unit * @param string the return string format * @param boolean whether to use SI prefixes or IEC * @return string */ public static function bytes($bytes, $force_unit = NULL, $format = NULL, $si = TRUE) { // Format string $format = ($format === NULL) ? '%01.2f %s' : (string) $format; // IEC prefixes (binary) if ($si == FALSE OR strpos($force_unit, 'i') !== FALSE) { $units = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB'); $mod = 1024; } // SI prefixes (decimal) else { $units = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'); $mod = 1000; } // Determine unit to use if (($power = array_search((string) $force_unit, $units)) === FALSE) { $power = ($bytes > 0) ? floor(log($bytes, $mod)) : 0; } return sprintf($format, $bytes / pow($mod, $power), $units[$power]); } /** * Prevents widow words by inserting a non-breaking space between the last two words. * @see http://www.shauninman.com/archive/2006/08/22/widont_wordpress_plugin * * @param string string to remove widows from * @return string */ public static function widont($str) { $str = rtrim($str); $space = strrpos($str, ' '); if ($space !== FALSE) { $str = substr($str, 0, $space).' '.substr($str, $space + 1); } return $str; } } // End text