#!/usr/bin/perl # # Taking a known nagios configuration directory, will check that the objects.cache is as expected use warnings; use strict; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); chdir $Bin or die "Cannot chdir"; my $topdir = "$Bin/.."; my $nagios = "$topdir/base/nagios"; my $etc = "$Bin/etc"; my $precache = "$Bin/var/objects.precache"; plan tests => 2; my $output = `$nagios -v "$etc/nagios.cfg"`; if ($? == 0) { pass("Nagios validated test configuration successfully"); } else { fail("Nagios validation failed:\n$output"); } system("$nagios -vp '$etc/nagios.cfg' > /dev/null") == 0 or die "Cannot create precached objects file"; system("grep -v 'Created:' $precache > '$precache.generated'"); my $diff = "diff -u $precache.expected $precache.generated"; my @output = `$diff`; if ($? == 0) { pass( "Nagios precached objects file matches expected" ); } else { fail( "Nagios precached objects discrepency!!!\nTest with: $diff\nCopy with: cp $precache.generated $precache.expected" ); print "#$_" foreach @output; }