#!/usr/bin/perl # # Local Checks for cmd.cgi use warnings; use strict; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use FindBin qw($Bin); chdir $Bin or die "Cannot chdir"; my $topdir = "$Bin/.."; my $cgi_dir = "$topdir/cgi"; my $local_cgi = "$cgi_dir/cmd.cgi"; my $output; my $cmd_typ = ''; my $remote_user = 'REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin'; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/

Error: No command was specified

/", "$local_cgi without params shows an error" ); # Run many tests against commands which are not supportet by cmd.cgi for (8, 18, 19, 31, 32, 53, 54, 69..77, 97, 98, 103..108, 115..120, 123..158, 161..169 ){ $cmd_typ=$_; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; unlike( $output, "/You are requesting to execute an unknown command. Shame on you!/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ results in an error" ); } # Tests against command type '1' $cmd_typ=1; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to add a host comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '2' $cmd_typ=2; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete a host comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" ); like( $output, "/Comment ID:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '3' $cmd_typ=3; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to add a service comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment form" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '4' $cmd_typ=4; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete a service comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment delete form" ); like( $output, "/Comment ID:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '5' $cmd_typ=5; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows enable active service checks form" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '6' $cmd_typ=6; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows disable active service checks form" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '7' $cmd_typ=7; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a service check/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request service check form" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '9' $cmd_typ=9; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delay a service notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay service notification" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Notification Delay \\(minutes from now\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '10' $cmd_typ=10; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delay a host notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay host notification" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Notification Delay \\(minutes from now\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '11' $cmd_typ=11; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notification" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '12' $cmd_typ=12; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notification" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '13' $cmd_typ=13; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to restart the Nagios process/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to restart Nagios" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '14' $cmd_typ=14; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to shutdown the Nagios process/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to shutdown Nagios" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '15' $cmd_typ=15; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services on a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '16' $cmd_typ=16; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services on a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '17' $cmd_typ=17; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a check of all services for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request check all services on a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '20' $cmd_typ=20; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete all comments for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '21' $cmd_typ=21; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete all comments for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '22' $cmd_typ=22; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '23' $cmd_typ=23; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '24' $cmd_typ=24; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '25' $cmd_typ=25; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '26' $cmd_typ=26; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '27' $cmd_typ=27; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '28' $cmd_typ=28; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services on a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '29' $cmd_typ=29; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services on a host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '30' $cmd_typ=30; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to submit a passive check result for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit passive check result for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Result:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Output:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '33' $cmd_typ=33; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to acknowledge a host problem/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a host problem" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Sticky Acknowledgement:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" ); like( $output, "/Send Notification:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" ); like( $output, "/Persistent Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '34' $cmd_typ=34; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to acknowledge a service problem/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a service problem" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Sticky Acknowledgement:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" ); like( $output, "/Send Notification:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" ); like( $output, "/Persistent Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '35' $cmd_typ=35; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start executing active service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing system wide active service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '36' $cmd_typ=36; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop executing active service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing system wide active service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '37' $cmd_typ=37; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting executing system wide passive service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '38' $cmd_typ=38; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting system wide passive service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '39' $cmd_typ=39; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive service checks for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive service checks for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '40' $cmd_typ=40; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive service checks for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive service checks for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '41' $cmd_typ=41; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable event handlers/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable system wide event handlers" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '42' $cmd_typ=42; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable event handlers/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable system wide event handlers" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '43' $cmd_typ=43; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable the event handler for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '44' $cmd_typ=44; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable the event handler for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '45' $cmd_typ=45; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable the event handler for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '46' $cmd_typ=46; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable the event handler for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '47' $cmd_typ=47; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '48' $cmd_typ=48; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '49' $cmd_typ=49; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '50' $cmd_typ=50; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over service checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '51' $cmd_typ=51; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to remove a host acknowledgement/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a host acknowledgement" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '52' $cmd_typ=52; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to remove a service acknowledgement/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a service acknowledgement" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '55' $cmd_typ=55; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '56' $cmd_typ=56; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '57' $cmd_typ=57; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '58' $cmd_typ=58; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '59' $cmd_typ=59; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '60' $cmd_typ=60; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '61' $cmd_typ=61; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for hosts and services" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '62' $cmd_typ=62; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for hosts and services" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '63' $cmd_typ=63; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '64' $cmd_typ=64; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '65' $cmd_typ=65; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '66' $cmd_typ=66; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '67' $cmd_typ=67; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '68' $cmd_typ=68; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '78' $cmd_typ=78; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Scheduled Downtime ID:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '79' $cmd_typ=79; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Scheduled Downtime ID:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '80' $cmd_typ=80; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable failure prediction for hosts and service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable failure prediction for hosts and service" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '81' $cmd_typ=81; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable failure prediction for hosts and service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable failure prediction for hosts and service" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '82' $cmd_typ=82; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable performance data processing for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable performance data processing for hosts and services" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '83' $cmd_typ=83; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable performance data processing for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable performance data processing for hosts and services" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '84' $cmd_typ=84; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '85' $cmd_typ=85; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup" ); like( $output, "/Hostgroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '86' $cmd_typ=86; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '87' $cmd_typ=87; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to submit a passive check result for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit a passive check result for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Result:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Output:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '88' $cmd_typ=88; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start executing host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '89' $cmd_typ=89; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop executing host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '90' $cmd_typ=90; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '91' $cmd_typ=91; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '92' $cmd_typ=92; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive checks for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive checks for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '93' $cmd_typ=93; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive checks for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive checks for a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '94' $cmd_typ=94; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '95' $cmd_typ=95; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over host checks" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '96' $cmd_typ=96; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a host check/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule a host check" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Check Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '99' $cmd_typ=99; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '100' $cmd_typ=100; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular service" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '101' $cmd_typ=101; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '102' $cmd_typ=102; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular host" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '109' $cmd_typ=109; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '110' $cmd_typ=110; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '111' $cmd_typ=111; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '112' $cmd_typ=112; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '113' $cmd_typ=113; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '114' $cmd_typ=114; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '121' $cmd_typ=121; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '122' $cmd_typ=122; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup" ); like( $output, "/Servicegroup Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Start Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" ); like( $output, "/End Time:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '159' $cmd_typ=159; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to send a custom host notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom host notification" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" ); # Tests against command type '160' $cmd_typ=160; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`; like( $output, "/You are requesting to send a custom service notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom service notification" ); like( $output, "/Host Name:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Service:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" ); like( $output, "/Author \\(Your Name\\):/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" ); like( $output, "/Comment:/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" ); unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );