#!/usr/bin/perl # # Checks for status.cgi use warnings; use strict; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); chdir $Bin or die "Cannot chdir"; my $topdir = "$Bin/.."; my $cgi_dir = "$topdir/cgi"; my $cgi = "$cgi_dir/status.cgi"; my $output; plan tests => 8; my $numhosts; $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host=all $cgi`; like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=all&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value should be set to all if host=all passed in" ); # Bit of a hacky way to count number of hosts $numhosts = grep /title=/, split("\n", $output); ok( $numhosts > 1, "Got $numhosts hosts, which is more than 1"); $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host=host1 $cgi`; like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=host1&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value should be set to specific host if passed in" ); like( $output, '/1 Matching Service Entries Displayed/', "Found the one host" ); $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host= $cgi`; like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value kept as blank if set to blank" ); like( $output, '/0 Matching Service Entries Displayed/', "Got no hosts because looking for a blank name" ); $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET $cgi`; like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=all&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value should be set to all if nothing set initially" ); $_ = grep /title=/, split("\n", $output); is( $_, $numhosts, "Same number of hosts" );