  <title>Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser</title>
  <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS"
        href="http://laughingmeme.org/magpierss.rdf" />
	body {
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  	<img src="magpie-photo.jpg">
	<h2>MagpieRSS provides an XML-based (expat) RSS parser in PHP.</h2>
	MagpieRSS is compatible with RSS .9 through RSS 1.0, and supports the
	RSS 1.0's modules. (with a few exceptions)
	<div class="nav">
	<center><h3>Project Info</h3></center>
	<li><a class="nav"
	<li><a class="nav"
	<li><a class="nav" href="#news">News!</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="#why">Why?</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="#features">Features</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="#philosophy">Philosophy</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="#usage">Usage Examples</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="/cookbook.html">Cookbook</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav" href="#todo">Todo</a></li>
<li style="list-style: none; padding-top: 5px;"><a title="Keep up on MagpieRSS news via RSS" href="http://laughingmeme.org/magpierss.rdf"><img
src="http://magpierss.sf.net/black_grey_magpie_news.gif" border="0"></a></li>
	<a name="news"></a>

<li class="news">
0.51 Released</a>
<li> important bugfix!</li>
<li> fix <a href="http://laughingmeme.org/archives/000811.html
">"silent failure"</a> when PHP doesn't have zlib</li>


<li class="news">
		<a href="http://minutillo.com/steve/feedonfeeds/">Feed On Feeds Uses Magpie</a>
<li> server based PHP RSS aggregator built with MagpieRSS</li>
<li> easy to install, easy to use.</li>


<li class="news">
0.5 Released</a>
<li> supports transparent HTTP gzip content negotiation for reduced bandwidth usage</li> 
<li> quashed some undefined index notices</li>


<li class="news">
0.46 Released</a>
<li> minor release, more error handling clean up</li> 
<li> documentation fixes, simpler example</li>
<li> new <a href="/TROUBLESHOOTING">trouble shooting</a> guide for installation and usage problems</a>


<li class="news">
href="http://laughingmeme.org/magpierss.rdf">Magpie News as RSS</a>
<li> releases, bug fixes, releated stories as an RSS feed</li> 


<li class="news">
Cookbook: Simple PHP RSS How Tos</a>
<li> answers some of the most frequently asked Magpie questions</li> 
<li> feedback, suggestions, requests, recipes welcome</li>


<li clas="news">
 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55691&release_id=134850">MagpieRSS 0.4 Released!</a>
<li> improved error handling, more flexibility for script authors,
backwards compatible</li>
<li> new and better examples!  including using MagpieRSS and <a
<li> new Smarty plugin for RSS date parsing</li>
<br />
<li class="news">
<a href="http://www.infinitepenguins.net/rss/">Infinite Penguin now
supports Magpie 0.3</a>
<li> simple, sophisticated RSS viewer</li> 
<li> includes auto-generated javascript ticker from RSS feed</li>


<li class="news">
releases REX backend for MagpieRSS</a>
<li>drop in support using regex based XML parser</li>
<li>parses improperly formed XML that chokes expat</li>


<li class="news">
		MagpieRSS 0.3 Released!</a>
		  <li>Support added for 
			 <a href="http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/archives/001132.html">HTTP
			 Conditional GETs</a>.</li>
		  <li>See <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?group_id=55691&release_id=118652">ChangeLog</a>
		  for more info.</li>
		<li class="news">MagpieRSS 0.2!</a>
		  <li>Major clean up of the code.  Easier to use.</li>
		  <li>Simpler install on shared hosts.</li>
	      <li>Better documentation and comments.</li>
		<li class="news">We've <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/magpierss/">moved to
	<a name="why"></a>
	I wrote MagpieRSS out of a frustration with the limitations of existing
	solutions.   In particular many of the existing PHP solutions seemed to:
	<li>use a parser based on regular expressions, making for an inherently
	fragile solution
	<li>only support early versions of RSS
	<li>discard all the interesting information besides item title, description,
	and link.
	<li>not build proper separation between parsing the RSS and displaying it.
	In particular I failed to find any PHP RSS parsers that could sufficiently
	parse RSS 1.0 feeds, to be useful on the RSS based event feeds we generate
	at <a href="http://protest.net">Protest.net</a>.
	<a name="features"></a>

	<li class="toplevel">
	<h4>Easy to Use</h4>
	As simple as:
$rss = fetch_rss($url);

	<li class="toplevel">
		<h4>Parses RSS 0.9 - RSS 1.0</h4>

		Parses most RSS formats, including support for 
		<a href="http://www.purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/">1.0 modules</a> and limited
		namespace support.  RSS is packed into convenient data structures; easy to
		use in PHP, and appropriate for passing to a templating system, like 
		<a href="http://smarty.php.net">Smarty</a>.
	<h4>Integrated Object Cache</h4>
	Caching the parsed RSS means that the 2nd request is fast, and that
including the rss_fetch call in your PHP page won't destroy your performance,
and force you to reply on an external cron job. And it happens transparently.

	<h4>HTTP Conditional GETs</h4>
	Save bandwidth and speed up download times with intelligent use of
	Last-Modified and ETag.<br /> See <a
	href="http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/archives/001132.html">HTTP Conditional Get for RSS Hackers</a>
	Makes extensive use of constants to allow overriding default behaviour, and
	installation on shared hosts.
		<li>rss_fetch.inc - wraps a simple interface (<code>fetch_rss()</code>)
		around the library.
		<li>rss_parse.inc - provides the RSS parser, and the RSS object
		<li>rss_cache.inc - a simple (no GC) object cache, optimized for RSS objects
		<li>rss_utils.inc - utility functions for working with RSS.  currently
		provides <code>parse_w3cdtf()</code>, for parsing <a
		href="http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime">W3CDTF</a> into epoch seconds.

	<a name="philosophy"></a>
	<h3>Magpie's approach to parsing RSS</h3>

	Magpie takes a naive, and inclusive approach. Absolutely
	non-validating, as long as the RSS feed is well formed, Magpie will
	cheerfully parse new, and never before seen tags in your RSS feeds.
	This makes it very simple support the varied versions of RSS simply, but
	forces the consumer of a RSS feed to be cognizant of how it is
	structured.(at least if you want to do something fancy)
	Magpie parses a RSS feed into a simple object, with 4 fields:
	<code>channel</code>, <code>items</code>, <code>image</code>, and
	<code>$rss->channel</code> contains key-value pairs of all tags, without
	nested tags, found between the root tag (&lt;rdf:RDF&gt;, or &lt;rss&gt;) 
	and the end of the document.
	<code>$rss->items</code> is an array of associative arrays, each one
	describing a single item.  An example that looks like:
&lt;item rdf:about="http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&#38;ID=210257"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Weekly Peace Vigil&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;description&gt;Wear a white ribbon&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;ev:location&gt;Northampton, MA&lt;/ev:location&gt;
	Is parsed, and pushed on the <code>$rss-&gt;items</code> array as:
	title =&gt; 'Weekly Peace Vigil',
	link =&gt; 'http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&#38;ID=210257',
	description =&gt; 'Wear a white ribbon',
	dc =&gt; array (
			subject =&gt; 'Peace'
	ev =&gt; array (
		startdate =&gt; '2002-06-01T11:00:00',
		enddate =&gt; '2002-06-01T12:00:00',
		type =&gt; 'Protest',
		location =&gt; 'Northampton, MA'
<h4>image and textinput</h4>
<code>$rss->image</code> and <code>$rss-textinput</code> are associative arrays
including name-value pairs for anything found between the respective parent
<a name="usage"></a>
<h3>Usage Examples:</h3>

A very simple example would be:
require_once 'rss_fetch.inc';

$url = 'http://magpie.sf.net/samples/imc.1-0.rdf';
$rss = fetch_rss($url);

echo "Site: ", $rss->channel['title'], "&lt;br&gt;\n";
foreach ($rss->items as $item ) {
	$title = $item[title];
	$url   = $item[link];
	echo "&lt;a href=$url&gt;$title&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;br&gt;\n";
More soon....in the meantime you can check out a 
<a href="http://www.infinitepenguins.net/rss/">cool tool built with
MagpieRSS</a>, version 0.1.
<a name="todo"></a>
	<h4>RSS Parser</h4>
		<li>Swap in a smarter parser that includes optional 
		support for validation, and required fields.</li>
		<li>Support RSS 2.0 (as much as I'm annoyed by it)</li>
		<li>Improve support for modules that rely on attributes</li>
	<h4>RSS Cache</h4>
		<li>Light-weight garbage collection
	<h4>Fetch RSS</h4>
	<li>Attempt to <a
	href="http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/08/15.html">auto-detect an
	RSS feed</a>, given a URL following, much like <a
		<li>More examples</li>
		<li>A test suite</li>
		<li>RSS generation, perhaps with <a
<h3>RSS Resources</h3>
	<li><a href="http://mnot.net/rss/tutorial/">RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers
	and Webmasters</a> is a great place to start.
	<li><a href="http://gils.utah.gov/rss/">RSS Workshop:  Publish and Syndicate
	Your News to the Web</a> is also a good introduction</li>
	<li><a href="http://www.disobey.com/amphetadesk/finding_more.html">Finding
	More Channels</a> on how to find RSS feeds.
	<li>Hammersley's <a href="http://rss.benhammersley.com/">Content Syndication
	with XML and RSS</a> is a blog covering RSS current events.
	<li><a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rss-dev/">RSS-DEV mailing
	list</a> is generally a very helpful, informative space, with the occasional
	heated debate	
	<li><a href="http://feeds.archive.org/validator/">RSS Validator</a>
<h3>License and Contact Info</h3>
Magpie is distributed under the GPL license...
coded by: kellan (at) protest.net, feedback is always appreciated.
<a href="http://sourceforge.net"><img
width="125" height="37" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo"></a>
<img src="http://laughingmeme.org/magpie_views.gif">