#!/bin/sh # SUBMIT_CHECK_RESULT_VIA_NSCA # Written by Ethan Galstad (egalstad@nagios.org) # Last Modified: 10-15-2008 # # This script will send passive check results to the # nsca daemon that runs on the central Nagios server. # If you simply want to submit passive checks from the # same machine that Nagios is running on, look at the # submit_check_result script. # # Arguments: # $1 = host_name (Short name of host that the service is # associated with) # $2 = svc_description (Description of the service) # $3 = return_code (An integer that determines the state # of the service check, 0=OK, 1=WARNING, 2=CRITICAL, # 3=UNKNOWN). # $4 = plugin_output (A text string that should be used # as the plugin output for the service check)s # # # Note: # Modify the NagiosHost parameter to match the name or # IP address of the central server that has the nsca # daemon running. printfcmd="/usr/bin/printf" NscaBin="/usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_nsca" NscaCfg="/usr/local/nagios/etc/send_nsca.cfg" NagiosHost="nagioshost" # Fire the data off to the NSCA daemon using the send_nsca script $printfcmd "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" | $NscaBin -H $NagiosHost -c $NscaCfg # EOF