#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'erb' # Determines package name from the origin url on github. It's hackish, but it # works (mostly). def pkgname originurl = `git config --get remote.origin.url`.strip _, pkgname = originurl.match(/\/([a-z0-9\-_]+).git/i).to_a pkgname end # Accepts a hash of git log data and returns a properly formatted debian # changelog entry. def debchangelog(logdata) template = <<-EOF <%=PKGNAME%> (<%=logdata[:tag]%>) unstable; urgency=low * <%=logdata[:subj]%> -- <%=logdata[:name]%> <%=logdata[:date]%> EOF ERB.new(template).result(binding) end # Checks to see if the repository has any tags already. def repo_has_tag? `git describe --tags 2>&1` return ($? == 0)? true : false end # If the repository has no tags, we need to make one so we can get some kind # of versioning number for the changelog. def make_temporary_tag firstcommit = `git log --format=%H | tail -1`.strip `git tag #{TEMPTAG} #{firstcommit}` end # Removes the tag we added if the repo had no tags. def cleanup_temporary_tag `git tag -d #{TEMPTAG}` end # Removes jenkins build tags (if they exist) def remove_jenkins_tags IO.popen("git tag -l 'jenkins-*'").readlines.each do |tag| `git tag -d #{tag}` end end # Get the name of this repository PKGNAME = pkgname # Name for the temporary tag (only used if the repository has no tags) TEMPTAG = 'GOPSI' #TEMPTAG = pkgname remove_jenkins_tags if repo_has_tag? dotagcleanup = false else dotagcleanup = true make_temporary_tag end # Loop through the git log output and grab four lines at a time to parse. gitlogcmd = %{git log --pretty=format:'hash: %H%nname: %aN <%aE>%ndate: %cD%nsubj: %s'} IO.popen(gitlogcmd).readlines.each_slice(4) do |chunk| temphash = {} # split each line on the first colon and use what's on the left as the # symbols within the hash chunk.map { |line| line.split(/: /,2) }.each do |type, data| temphash[type.to_sym] = data.strip end # dig up the most recent tag which contains the commit temphash[:tag] = `git describe --tags #{temphash[:hash]} 2>/dev/null`.strip if $? != 0 dotagcleanup = true make_temporary_tag temphash[:tag] = `git describe --tags #{temphash[:hash]}`.strip end puts debchangelog(temphash) end # If we added a temporary tag, let's remove it cleanup_temporary_tag